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Are we Doomed?


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North Korea really seems to be acting up.  Are we doomed from their missiles? Will there be war in Korean peninsula that American soldiers will have to fight? It seems that tensions are highest theyve been since Korean war. What do y'all think?

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While the whole North Korea issue has me a bit freaked out, it doesn't take long for me to reassure myself. For those of us living in the States, I highly doubt we're in any kind of danger - myself and many experts believe NK does not have the technology to reach us (and are years away from remotely having anything of the sort). As for Guam, Japan, and SK, they are inevitably in the danger zone, but remember that we always have our eye on NK and are ready to intercept any sort of missile launch from them (and this is coming from somebody who isn't exactly the 'Murica kind of guy). If they made any sort of move, they'd be countered immediately. Also remember - it's been talking the talk for 60 years, but have they truly walked the walk yet?

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I'll be keeping an eye on this topic, in case debate kicks up. Please note that if this topic gets out of hand even once, it will be locked.


I'm not sure what to expect, but I do believe there is reason for concern. I'm trying not to read too much up on it because it stresses me out, and I'm trying to study, but from what I can see should they even launch at another country, the consequences will be severe. The US is just as capable as they are, hopefully they know that.

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Found this photo of North Korea's most recent rocket launch.  Very interesting;






All jokes aside, I do not think that China would let North Korea get out of hand all that much.  They only value it as a buffer zone between them and the United States; their actual relationship with the "DPRK" is notably rocky and certainly regretful.  Regardless of this, however, the United States seems to be prepared for any trouble.  After all, we are the top military-spender in the world - that's gotta be worth something.  With that said, threats should not be underestimated. 

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Well from my tiny view on the whole matter, if North Korea tries anything, just a small little warning or whatever it is they're threatening to do, we could go right back and completely obliterate them, probably.


Nuclear war has always been feared, but I don't think it'll happen anytime soon at all.

And no, no one's doomed.. except maybe, well, you know who.

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I seriously doubt Best Korea's missiles can reach Guam, much less Hawaii or Mainland USA.  Japan/South Korea may be in danger, but if BK starts anything they'll pretty much have the entire rest of the world on their ass, and I doubt China will want to bail them out.

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Refer to this image:




At least, one would hope. Worst case scenario North Korea does have nuclear technology and deploys it in a major area (e.g. Seoul). Otherwise they barely have a chance. I think it's just them showing off and trying to get attention akin to a child throwing a temper tantrum. And that's all Kim-Jong-Un is, a child. Granted, a child with the fourth largest standing army in the world, but a child nonetheless.


Still, nuclear capabilities are nothing to joke about. If they do have a device or devices they are significantly more dangerous. I'm just concerned about South Korea, since they essentially pose no threat to anyone that isn't directly adjacent to them. And China has expressed their dissaproval. If China were to step in we'd have a problem, but seeing as that's not very likely, I'd like to assume we're safe.

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Isn't the whole plot is to make North Korea's prisoners inmates citizens happy and think Kim is still the big hero with the new leader?


I mean after I saw the Missile Plan that would hit: Hawaii, DC, California and Austin, Texas, and the photoshoped pic, I could not think he was serious. 

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I seriously doubt Best Korea's missiles can reach Guam, much less Hawaii or Mainland USA.  Japan/South Korea may be in danger, but if BK starts anything they'll pretty much have the entire rest of the world on their ass, and I doubt China will want to bail them out.


lol "Best Korea" XD


nice way to put it : P

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Every male in my direct ancestry actually has served in Korea, and they say Jong has to act tough or the military won't respect him. But come on, he looks like the kung fu panda.

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Every male in my direct ancestry actually has served in Korea, and they say Jong has to act tough or the military won't respect him. But come on, he looks like the kung fu panda.


But AJC, clearly you've seen the 100% legitimately truthful posters put out by the propaganda department!





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I'm going to quote what users on Yahoo! have said:

North Korea still thinks it's the 1950's/60's.

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I'm going to quote what users on Yahoo! have said:

North Korea still thinks it's the 1950's/60's.

Can't blame 'em, most of their equipment is Cold War era.

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Can't blame 'em, most of their equipment is Cold War era.


[This thread just -begs- for macros. :-P]








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I seriously doubt that we're doomed, but it could be very worrisome. My opinion is, depending upon how China reacts once and if North Korea finally attacks someone, a full blown World War III could start. But I think thats only if China aids North Korea militarily in warfare, which apparently people don't think they'd do.

If China doesn't fight with North Korea, then this'll be a small thing with little to worry about I think.

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Something's not right in the Best Korea.

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So they've been working with an operating system that originated from an American corporation, yet see no discrepancy when bashing America? 


Hell, Kim Jong Il's hearse was a freaking 1975 Lincoln Continental Limousine [one of my favorite automobiles of all time in its standard form, mind you].  You simply cannot get more American than that.



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Guys, that New Yorker article is a Borowitz Report. It's satire. Fake.

Andy Borowitz is hilarious, don't get me wrong, but the article is fake.

The Musdan missiles the DPRK has moved around could theoretically hit Guam, but they have never been tested, and the missiles they have tested have either blown-up on the launchpad or been so inaccurate that hitting anything hear their maximum theoretical range is a long-shot if not impossible. They do have a missily, the Taepodong-3, that could hit California. Provided that it doesn't blow up on the launchpad like the test TPD-3 did, and that it is accurate-enough to actually hit California. I'd wager that the accuracy is not there.

Plus, the DPRK does not yet have the tech to put a nuke in a missile, neither do they have any suitable aircraft to drop one old-school.

Here is what I think is going to happen:

On Apr. 15, the anniversary of the birth of Kim-Il-Sung, the original supreme leader and Kim-Jong-Un's grandfather, the DPRK will test-fire a Musdan, likely out into the Pacific. The flight path would go over Japan.

What happens next will be highly dependent on a: the performance of the missile and B: the reaction of thew Japanese, and further the reactions of the DPRK to the reaction of the Japanese or Americans.

If the missile doesn't explode on launch, but starts doing crazy shit that may make it land somewhere inhabited, the US and/or Japan will try to shoot it down.

Next, is the order given to the Japanese missile defenders. For the first time, Japan has PATRIOT batteries and AGEIS ships deployed at the time of the test, with orders to shoot down any DPRK missile that "heads towards Japan." If this thing is set to fall in the ocean, but flies over Japan to get there, what will these troops do? Will they follow the same rules of engagement the US is, or will they say "Fuck, DPRK, we're tired of you shooting missiles over us" and shoot it down if it enters Japanese airspace at all, even on a passthrough trajectory.

My guess is Japan will do the former, and hold off unless it looks like the missile poses an actual threat to Japan.

If the missile is not shot down, I suspect tension will build, a few rounds may be fired, but then Kim-Jong-Un will have proven his point that he is tough against the foreigners so there is no need to launch a coup against him. Once this point is made, he will back down. He knows that he will not win a war against the allied powers of the South, Japan, and the US. Remember: the most important thing to Kim-Jong-Un is keeping his power. He won't do anything to jeopardize that so long as things go somewhat his way.

The next question is what will Kim-Jong-Un do if the missile is shot down? This really depends on his personality. If he's smart, it won't change anything and he will just talk a bunch more shit and what I just described earlier will still happen. This is the most likely scenario. If he gets super-pissed and loses his grip on what little rationality he has, he may snap and start serious shit with the South. I do not know enough about him to know what he will do, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say "He may be crazy, but he is not stupid" and will probably not do anything rash.

What if war happens?

Unless someone makes a crucial error, the most likely one to start it would be the DPRK. If the DPRK started it, I do not think China will help them at first. Now, I do believe China will draw a line in the sand, however. That line would likely be just after kicking DPRK troops out of the South. China does not was a US ally on its land border, and a US-friendly unified Korea would not make China happy. This, China will likely allow the allies to defend the South, but not make any major offensives into the North. They know what the US did to Saddam's Iraq, and they definitely do not want a US-led regime change.

This means that whether or not the Koran peninsula becomes the spark for WWIII is dependent on 1: Kim-Jong-Un and 2: The US's goals for the DPRK should war break out. If they involve going all the way to Pyongyang, then I think China will step in and shit and fans collide. This is very unlikely, though, because no one desires that scale of a conflict.

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Ok children, both planned and unplanned, close your eyes for a second and clear your mind.


Imagine... A man. Short, fat, impotent, needs diapers because he's seriously incontinent, low IQ, short-sighted and practically deaf. THAT'S North Korea. Typical example of Bark worse than bite, if there's bite at all. It's not the first time a Kim gets its panties in a twist, and every time the country's on a low (if there's lower than rock bottom, watch hunger issues), they'll bitch and moan. North Korea's an envious country and South Korea is an enviable country. In short, NK's a little piece of crap with not enough energy in their citizens to even start a civil war. They can't do anything.


Stop dramatizing this thing people. NK's a country that only serves to be laughed at. The chinese will take care of it with a smack on the head.


Someone needs to tell Chubby McLardo to stop his bitchfit.

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Someone needs to tell Chubby McLardo to stop his bitchfit.





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Guys this topic has pretty much become a macrofest bashing Korea. If we can't discuss it properly then this topic can't continue.

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