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Thomas Draco

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My reaction:

"It...  Looks like a box...  HUH?!  That's IT?!!  Wuh- I don't even..."




I mean, come on, Micro$oft!  The controller looked a bit better than your console!

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I'm going to give you two something about the look of an Xbox. It doesn't need to look like a box. Apple Phones don't look like apples now do they.


I for one welcome our new overlords. It's sleek, it's powerful, hell it's entertainment in a rectangle. I don't see what's all the big fuss about but I bet I'll soon find out...

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It doesn't need to look like a box. 


It's sleek, it's powerful, hell it's entertainment in a rectangle.


Yeah, and the PS4 doesn't need to look like a lunchbox.




Sarcasm aside, I'll agree somewhat on the sleek and powerful part, but it still just looks boxy.  Hell, I'll call it a rectangular box now.  I'm just...  Not onboard with the new Xbox's design.


It just looks...  I guess, unfinished.

I don't know.

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Well she's definitely packin' and you can't really make fancy shape's with the hardware gains. Unfortunately, it looks like kinect 2.0 is an integral piece of the console. So youll have to buy it.

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Well she's definitely packin' and you can't really make fancy shape's with the hardware gains. Unfortunately, it looks like kinect 2.0 is an integral piece of the console. So youll have to buy it.


You're more or less right.  But, my main concerns are the rumors that are/were circling it.  If they were stated false, then do correct me.

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Yeah, and the PS4 doesn't need to look like a lunchbox.


Sarcasm aside, I'll agree somewhat on the sleek and powerful part, but it still just looks boxy.  Hell, I'll call it a rectangular box now.  I'm just...  Not onboard with the new Xbox's design.

It just looks...  I guess, unfinished.

I don't know.


Well that's what I think Xbox was aiming for. And I don't know where your getting at with the lunchbox.


Yet the important thing for me is what it can handle on the gaming/streaming side.

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I actually like the case design. It actually meshes with home theater equipment. All those cutesy rounded shapes everyone has been doing are fine when the console is the only thing you're plugging into your TV, but when you've got a HT setup, the game consoles are always a PITA to fit into your setup because they are not stackable.

Only game I saw that I would want is Forza 5. Anything else will come out on PC, and my PC will still beat the shit out of this thing graphically.

But all-in-all, it looks like they're trying to make this thing not only a game console but also a competitior to Google TV and Apple TV. I'm not sure I like that direction.

Anywho, what does all of this mean for Nintendo? This is the important question. The specs between the Xbox1 and PS4 are close, with the PS4 having a slight edge. Rumors are flying around about a base model priced at $349.99. If that is true, Nintendo will be forced to price-drop the Wii U. I'm also concerned about 3rd party support even more. Both systems are AMD Jaguar based, and Wii U is IBM POWER based. This makes the Wii U the oddball from a development standpoint. Couple that with it's significantly-less power and I don't see developers having the incentive to port multiplats.

Nintendo better bring their A game with software titles next month.

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Evidently, Sony's stock jumped up after the Xbox-One's announcement;




And the Xbox-One also seems to need Kinect to function;







Otherwise though, I am not a fan of the all-in-one setup for game consoles.  I don't need another cable box, I can get a Netflix/other streaming account if I wanted to, and I have a PC. 

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I could care less what the console looks like, but really.

Only 8 GBs of RAM, even if 8 is pretty high capacity for most applications? Having 8 cores for no reason when 4 cores are actually better? 3 OSs fpr no reason other than to shoehorn Windows 8 into every product Microsoft makes? Having to pay a fee just to play games on another console that you don't have an Xbox Live account on and for used games? The fact my gaming computer set up can do everything Xbox One can do and more while being upgradable?

Yeah, looks like I'm sticking with Nintendo/Wii U and my PC for now.

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Only 8 GBs of RAM, even if 8 is pretty high capacity for most applications?

"Only?" Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 had 512MB of RAM (Though it is worth noting that on the 360 it was shared between the CPU and GPU, while on the PS3 each got 256MB exclusively). This is a 16x increase in memory capacity. This will translate into shorter loading times as more of the game can be loaded into memory. This is especailly true for open world games.

By comparison, the Wii U has 2GB of memory. Wii had 88MB (24MB for the GPU, 64MB for the CPU).


Having 8 cores for no reason when 4 cores are actually better?

That entirely depends on the CPU design. Currently, yes, Intel's quad i7's outperform AMD's Oct FXes, but that doesn't mean that Quad cores are "better." It just means that Intel's Ivy Bridge archetecture is more powerful than AMD's Piledriver archetecture.

They went with the AMD Jaguar CPU. The Intel competition is the Atom series. 8-core Atoms don't exist. Hell, there aren't even quad Atoms.

That aside, an oct Jaguar will outperform a quad Jaguar.

Though I highly advise not putting a ton of stock into the fact that the CPU has 8 cores. Jaguar is a low-power archetecture designed for tablets and it will likely underperform most Core i5 CPUs. It will definately significantly outperform the IBM POWER CPU in the Wii U, but I think people are overestimating the CPUs based on the AMD Piledriver-based FX chips. Piledriver is not Jaguar. These two CPUs are not even in the same leaugue.

It is worth noting that Jaguar is where AMD is staking their future. I wouldn't be suprised to see a lot more devices in the next couple of years using it.


3 OSs fpr no reason other than to shoehorn Windows 8 into every product Microsoft makes? Having to pay a fee just to play games on another console that you don't have an Xbox Live account on and for used games? The fact my gaming computer set up can do everything Xbox One can do and more while being upgradable?

Xbox 360 has used Metro since before Windows 8 launched. Really, the home screens of the two systems don't really look all that different.

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I agree that Nintendo will need to bring their A game this E3.  If not, they are going to sink further than where they are now.  The WiiU didn't sell that well - it sold worse than the DS on its release, guys - and a good many gaming companies have already trashed the WiiU by saying they aren't going to be releasing any games for the WiiU.


Back on topic . . . 


I agree with crazy here.  I understand how they want to have the movies, Netflix, and that other stuff for movies, and such, but this is a gaming system we're talking about.  I know there will be people that will say stuff like, "Well, there's people that don't have the stuff they need for Netflix and resort to their gaming systems for that."  That's a good enough reason, but I just think the title of "gaming system" for home consoles are slowly diing out with the introduction of Netflix, and others, on them.  Call me crazy.


I will hypothesize that in the future, the title "gaming system" will soon be named "entertainment system," while "gaming system" will be still intact with handhelds.


I just looked at recent photos and it looks like it's half Xbox, half DVD player.  I'm sorry, but I'm just slowly disliking this look more and more.  I know I shouldn't judge the system by its appearance, but I just can't help to just put hate on it.  Don't get me wrong, I like the Xbox; I just don't like the design for this Xbox.

Comparing it to the Xbox's that came before it, it looks like a remade Xbox - the original.  The controller also looks like a remake.

But, from what I've also seen from Sony - whom I'm hoping will show something good - their controller, too, looks too much like the others.  But, I don't think I should call that out since their controller designs haven't changed that much, or at all, since the PS1.  The PS4 controller...  I'm still having mixed feelings, like the One's controller.

I just hope Micro$oft can actually prove me wrong and do something - whatever that may be - to have me change my mind on the One.  I really hope so...

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This video is worth a watch; genuine criticisms and some good laughs too.  Warning on the language though.


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Seriously, who the hell thought it was a good idea to call the next Xbox, "Xbox One"? They could've called it something else like "Xbox 0", "NeXbox", or "Xbox Delta"

Microsoft sucks at naming things. Remember whent the 360 was announced? They said it was because it was a "new direction." Somebody failed to tell them that if you turn 360 degrees, you are facing the same direction you started. Also, names like "Zune," "Azure," "Sharepoint," and "Bing" are just terrible. And don't get me started on "Surface."

Also, Microsoft can't count, either. Want more proof? Windows 8 is actually version 6.2 of the Windows NT codebase (Vista was 6.0).

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DZ, you ninja posted the words outta my mouth. Both times.


Anyway, I know we all want i7; RAID SSD steam boxes -thing is- the latest and greatest it cost $$$. The idea behind xbox/ps4 consoles is "good enough, get the job done" gaming for the general public in the $200-$450 range. Regardless, Its time for in consoles to step up to the new standard as ddr4 and gddr6 roll out.

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Also, being that the next Xbox blocks used games by tying things to an XboxLive account does this mean that collectability in the future is pretty much shot?  If you find a game down the line in used condition when it is no longer in print, how much would you have to pay extra for the damn thing to work?  Not to mention you still have to pay for the online service.


Doesn't matter though, I'm content with my PC and PS3 at the moment - perhaps I will go for the PS4 if finances allow.  

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...ddr4 and gddr6 roll out.

DDR4 is coming soon? Dammit. DDR3 will then skyrocket in price like DDR2 did. That's the whole reason why my music computer still only has 4GB. I have to do a complete rebuild on that machine, but I guess I should wait.

Also: :ninja:

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Also, being that the next Xbox blocks used games by tying things to an XboxLive account does this mean that collectability in the future is pretty much shot?  If you find a game down the line in used condition when it is no longer in print, how much would you have to pay extra for the damn thing to work?  Not to mention you still have to pay for the online service.


Doesn't matter though, I'm content with my PC and PS3 at the moment - perhaps I will go for the PS4 if finances allow.  


I'll sum it up for you, man:

Bring a One game to a friend's house?  Have to pay a fee to play it on the other console.


Have a used game?  Sorry, you won't be able to play it unless activated on Live.


Don't have Xbox Live?  Sorry, you won't be able to activate the game, so you won't be able to play it.


Have an Xbox 360 game?  Sorry, won't be able to play it on the One!  BUY A NEW ONE GAME!!!  (Same can be said for the PS4)

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Also, being that the next Xbox blocks used games by tying things to an XboxLive account does this mean that collectability in the future is pretty much shot?  If you find a game down the line in used condition when it is no longer in print, how much would you have to pay extra for the damn thing to work?  Not to mention you still have to pay for the online service.


Doesn't matter though, I'm content with my PC and PS3 at the moment - perhaps I will go for the PS4 if finances allow.

I've been seeing some interesting conspiracy theories popping up about this being the real reason publishers are jumping-ship from Wii-U. Both PS4 and Xbox1 have these barriers to used games. Wii U does not.

Also: I guess we have to call the first Xbox the OGXbox now...

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Also: I guess we have to call the first Xbox the OGXbox now...


I laughed much harder than I should have at that. :-P




The theory on blocking used game sales is a very intriguing one.  Seeing as Sony has yet to announce anything on the matter I suppose we'll see where this goes. 



I'll sum it up for you, man:

Bring a One game to a friend's house?  Have to pay a fee to play it on the other console.


Have a used game?  Sorry, you won't be able to play it unless activated on Live.


Don't have Xbox Live?  Sorry, you won't be able to activate the game, so you won't be able to play it.


Have an Xbox 360 game?  Sorry, won't be able to play it on the One!  BUY A NEW ONE GAME!!!  (Same can be said for the PS4)


So the console pretty much is always-online; if you don't have a connection to install the game then you can't play it because you cannot access your LIVE account, nor can you share it with friends.  Hilariously shortsighted.

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The theory on blocking used game sales is a very intriguing one.  Seeing as Sony has yet to announce anything on the matter I suppose we'll see where this goes. 


So the console pretty much is always-online; if you don't have a connection to install the game then you can't play it because you cannot access your LIVE account, nor can you share it with friends.  Hilariously shortsighted.


In a way, yes, they confirmed the idea of the system being "always online."  Not only that, there's voice command in the mix, so keep that in mind.


Micro$oft has basically shot themselves in the foot with this one.  It's no wonder that $ony's stocks jumped over 9% after the One's reveal, while Micro$oft's dropped 2/3 of a percent.  I saw the graphs of it and literally laughed at it.


Now, onto the part where there's voice command.  I'm currently in a Skype chat with a close buddy of mine and he agrees that Micro$oft did a major phuk up.  He pointed out the fact that voice command for the system is severely flawed, and I added on that you have to be careful whenever you have friends over so that you don't turn the system on accidentally - meaning, while all of you are talking, the system could mistaken you for telling it to turn on and it running while you all are talking.  So, I told him that you would have to unplug the damn thing so you wouldn't mistakenly turn the thing on.











Oh, I knew it was going to be shown.  That's why I immediately lost interest in the actual video conference once I saw that it was the Kinect.  Goddammit...





So next consoles will be in the Nintendo Entertainment System's shoes? Cool! I can't wait to watch Youtube videos from my old television set and play Super Mario Bros online! Gotta get my high scores up there and earn dem achievements! :-P


Damn, why did I laugh harder at that xD  





"Hey there sport! Want to use Netflix? Pay your Xbox live scubscription, internet bill, and Netflix subscription to watch a movies! Don't give me that look, Speilberg is making a live action Halo movie FOR YOU!!"


I seriously love how they still treat CoD like its the greast game ever made and the sole reason to get the Xbox One.


"Get the Xbox One now and be the first to get Disc-Locked-Content fresh from us!"


Dude, your signature's pic fits this comment SO WELL!  HAHAHA!

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"Only?" Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 had 512MB of RAM (Though it is worth noting that on the 360 it was shared between the CPU and GPU, while on the PS3 each got 256MB exclusively). This is a 16x increase in memory capacity. This will translate into shorter loading times as more of the game can be loaded into memory. This is especailly true for open world games.

By comparison, the Wii U has 2GB of memory. Wii had 88MB (24MB for the GPU, 64MB for the CPU).

Great, but even with all of that my PC still will equal the power the PS4 and Xbox One in the RAM department, and can be upgraded further, as well with the processor and graphics department. And with the Wii U, performance doesn't matter because Nintendo and other parties deliver great entertaining games regardless of it.

Xbox 360 has used Metro since before Windows 8 launched. Really, the home screens of the two systems don't really look all that different.

No, the Xbox One is actively using 3 different OSs, it isn't about the appearance. That's just software bloat.

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Great, but even with all of that my PC still will equal the power the PS4 and Xbox One in the RAM department, and can be upgraded further, as well with the processor and graphics department. And with the Wii U, performance doesn't matter because Nintendo and other parties deliver great entertaining games regardless of it.


To be fair, that is true of all consoles - not to mention PCs generally have to use a more resource-consuming OS and cost more initially.  Also, the last quip about how power doesn't matter with Nintendo can just as easily be applied to Sony and Microsoft [notably Sony and their plethora of great first-party titles and decent third-party support though]. 

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To be fair, that is true of all consoles - not to mention PCs generally have to use a more resource-consuming OS and cost more initially.  Also, the last quip about how power doesn't matter with Nintendo can just as easily be applied to Sony and Microsoft [notably Sony and their plethora of great first-party titles and decent third-party support though].

Plethora? Really? Also most of those third parties make the games for the PC as well, and usually they're better than their console counterparts.

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