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"Allow me to introduce myself"...

The VGM Lover

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"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Panther... and all who see my rose meet death!"

- Panther Caroso, Star Fox Assault



Hello, all my fellow Star Fox fans! My username is amcintyr9998, and all who challenge my Mii Fighters meet last place!


"Huh!? Who's this idiot?" 

"Quiet, bird."

"What was that?!?"

"Forget him. Look, just tell us what you are doing here!"


I have actually been reading a lot from this site for a long time. Not exactly sure how long, though, maybe since 2013, at the least. I have been rather shy to become associated with any social or community site for two good reasons: School (obviously), and the fact that I have no internet access whatsoever at home, but as time passed, I have become more and more accustomed to... conversations on news articles and videos, and I possessed a greater and greater urge to state my opinion. For example, has anyone here seen the Death Battle between Tails and Luigi? I'll tell you what happened if you ask. Anyways, so one day (approximately a few months ago as of this post), I decided, "All right. I'm signing on.", for two reasons again: I love Star Fox, and I love this site.



"The anglars are finished, and Krystal is back with the team!"

- I think that's exactly what Slippy said from Star Fox Command. This is all coming off the top of my head right now...


Anyways, you won't see me here too often, but you'll know that I'll always be here, answering any questions or comments, often with famous quotes and conversation pieces straight from your favourite Star Fox games.


"This CAN'T be happening!"

- Pigma Dengar, Star Fox 64


NOTE: this is probably my VERY FIRST official post!

ANOTHER NOTE: I'll post important updates regarding my internet access on my profile. Check often if you'd like!

Edited by amcintyr9998
No reason to update on my post. Who's gonna wanna keep coming back here for that?
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Welcome, amcintyr.


Hope you have fun in this wonderful community, where it's sunny 25 hours a day, 8 days a week, 13 months every year!

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Hello, all my fellow Star Fox fans! My username is amcintyr9998, and all who challenge my Mii Fighters meet last place!

I haven't even played Sm4sh yet but I was killer at Melee and Brawl. Once I get it, if you're on 3DS, I will challenge and FUCKING DESTROY your Miis. Mark my words.


Also welcome and stuff I guess. That's a thing I should say too.

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"I am the Ãœbermensch!"

I commented on your status post as well, but let this be the official welcome. I notice some users tend to lurk in the shadows before they choose to join up on the forum action, but once they do, they don't regret it!

Hopefully we'll get to see you around. Sucks that you don't have internet access at home.

Welcome, once again!

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I haven't even played Sm4sh yet but I was killer at Melee and Brawl. Once I get it, if you're on 3DS, I will challenge and FUCKING DESTROY your Miis. Mark my words.

Ohhhh, not yet. Because I don't have internet access at home, I'm finding it very difficult to update my game to the latest version, so, QUITE sadly, I cannot do regular multiplayer with other Smash 3DS users, so I'm stuck with StreetSmash for now. (loud sighing noise)  :cry:

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I don't even have Smash yet so that was just an advance challenge. I am a patient man.

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Welcome to posting on the site.


Since you've said you have lurked here for sometime I guess I don;t need to do my cheesy "It's a great community, we all are fun, das dank yo" shit.


So yeah. Welcome. 

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Wow, you people are ready to annihilate him in Smash.

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Few things to remember as a newbie:


I maintain the critical-levels of idiocy, as well as the skype chat. I'll also trash-talk anyone who gives you troubles with my MAGICAL WHITE-KNIGHT SWORD OF MAGIC

Executor (Dr.Orange) maintains the critical levels of stupidity

Redeemer is denmother, cuddle up to her for wuv

DZ is supreme overlord of all things that are server and website. Bow to his power, for it is he who will swing the mighty banhammer of DOOOOOOOOOM

Rob gets angry over stupid things but we love him anyway

OneUnder Polices the fuck outta all of us, as any good moderator does

OneWinedAngel (Scott) loses by 8 points forever

and Solar manages to keep most of us in line... somehow


(only 3 of the people mentioned above are actual staff members, I just maintain the skype chat and swear at people)


Together, we form a band of the most clinically insane and degenerate morons to ever be the major players and integral staff members of any community ever.


and yet somehow under the weight of my sheer amazingness and Executor's shining gleam of awesome, the community stays afloat.


Welcome to Crazyville; you've come to the wrong side of the right side of the tracks.


Happy New Year!

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Welcome to the madhouse!!

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And I am LazerMaster5, your average teenage gamer/metalhead/furry/first world anarchist. Don't worry, I do not bite. As long as you don't create flame wars, all will be fine.

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"Quiet, bird."

Not even a week here, and you're already stealing my lines? ...I like that. :lol:


The name's Clearwater, but feel free to call me Clear. I'm SF-O's Resident Blue Spix Macaw and quite a fair gamer, despite my crap-ass specs. But yeah, I play TF2 a lot. If you do as well, we should get together so I can burn your butt off with my 'Mumbling Man's Marshmallow Melter'.


See ya around these skies! ;)

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Not even a week here, and you're already stealing my lines? ...I like that. :lol:



Actually, that was meant to come off of Panther from Star Fox Assault. I KNEW I should have cited those lines! 

(Also, the last quote off that conversation was modified by me just for the purpose of that post. It was originally: "Forget him. Look, just tell us where Pigma is!" No copyright infringement intended.

... you probably already knew that, I guess, didn't you?

Edited by amcintyr9998
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