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Good Bye. (Farewell Geo thread)


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Yeah guys. I'm leaving today. You won't see me here much (or even ever again) anymore. I'm very upset with the E3 announcement, so don't expect me to come back anymore. So farewell people. Now it is time for "One Final Song" and to say goodbye to afellow SF-O member.

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Geo... you're leaving? Come now, don't go just because of one silly announcement. Yes, it may not be what some people expected or hoped, but that's no good excuse. You're leaving a diverse and awesome group of people!


But if you still choose to leave, I cannot force you to stay.

I don't want to say good bye, but if you're not coming back...


Good bye.

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>Starfox Zero was literally the best part of E3

>it looks amazing as shit and has all sorts of new features and is going back to the game roots and even using SF2 elements






honestly if this is gonna make you quit I can't say I'm going to miss you much.

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Yeah I'm honestly a little baffled about what you found upsetting about that, let alone upsetting enough for you to ragequit the entire site.

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I think that's a silly reason to abandon such an awesome community such as this one. Come on dude, relax and let's discuss what bothers you about all this.

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 I'm very upset with the E3 announcement, so don't expect me to come back anymore. So farewell people.

>everyone wants a new game
>new game
>getting upset cos theres a new game

lol okay. The new game looks orgasm-inducingly amazing


the fuck're you on about.

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Wish you the best of luck in your endeavors, but I think quitting the site just because the new game is terrible is kind of silly. 

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>person demonstrates anticipation prior to announcement

>announcement actually does happen



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Did you want Krystal, or your QUALITY FOX DONG.

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Yeah I'm at a loss here too.

I feel like this is possibly the strangest reason I've ever seen someone quit this site for.

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If your reasons for being in this fanbase are that shallow, then I don't know what to say.

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God I hope there's some deeper, inner meaning for this reason because I've got the Government's top analyses and reasoning officers here trying to figure out how the X --> Y here and they are coming up with jack.


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''Although the parting hurts... The rest is in your hands.'' - Grovyle, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers Of Sky

...Fare thee well, Geo.

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I've seen in my fucking life.

No, I'm sorry a little announcement of a fucking game that get is getting barely *any* attention (Considering that Star Fox isn't popular in Japan and some cases on forums I've seen.) This has got to be the lowest post I've seen made by a human being. (which I'm sure that they're more posts even more dumbfounded than this.) Geoprimedonna, although I never talked to you- nor even liked you as a person; could an announcement really make you *this* upset so much to leave this site "for good"? Then I could never stop finding more reasons to avoid people like you. My word how can you easily offended you can get just from watching their announcement video? How?!  Just because they do a little tweak with their game or make it Wii U exclusive does NOT give a reason to go 'fuck it' and leave. Watch a walkthrough (if that were the case) or a review, sure you don't *experience* the game but you at least get to see what it's like.

TL:DR just stop getting upset that easily and grow up.

and to some who may read this rant. I am sorry for the harsh post but this really broke the camel's back for me, I or anyone else should never make a post something this low. Thank you have a nice day

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Wow bro you're really mad that someone doesn't like the game you're excited for, huh?


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I'm afraid that's not the problem.  He's not really "into" SF; but rather, he's afflicted with a hate (distaste) boner for OP. But I know...

We can pull together. And make use of the ignore feature, buy mint chocolate ice cream, vent with our confidant, then take a peaceful stroll questioning the night sky.

And NOT waste our time with a tempting, tasty ragepost questioning another's right to sit at their liquid crystal and cathode ray tube displays NOR carry frustrations across boards.


FTF  1620


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This thread has served its purpose.

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