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If Space Travel goes Public


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If space travel were to become bigger and open to the public which maybe one day it will, where would you go? Anywhere in the galaxy or even universe, if we had space travel what would be your first destination? 


Personally, for me, I'd love to see space in person in general... Guess I've always been fascinated with space travel, no wonder I'm always taking Astronomy ;) 

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The Moon. Or maybe Mars. Either one would do for me.

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I can't stand airports, and, while I like planes, I despise flying.  I think I'll keep both of my feet firmly planted on Earth, all things considered.

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The sun

or atmospheric Venus- https://youtu.be/gJ5KV3rzuag


You know, since the Sun has helium on it, you'd talk funny before you'd die. Kinda like those little people in the movies about candy factories.

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*dontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranus dontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranus dontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranus dontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranus dontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranus dontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranus dontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranus dontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranus dontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranusdontsayuranus*

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On a serious note, just being in space would be pretty much a dream experience for some people me included. It's definitely more boring (and deadlier) than portrayed to the masses on one side, but hey, most people make such a big deal of being on a ship in the middle of a body of water stuck to our own planet that they slap price tags on the tens of thousands so I don't think complaining about space being just space should be much of a thing.

Of course if space travel ever went to public price tags then common knowledge dictates regular travels would be even cheaper to try still attract customers, so it would open up a lot more possibilities... Decisions... Decisions...

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I'd go to Phobos and help fight the Demons. I hear hellish invasions are a big problem up there, what with all the portal malfunctions.

But seriously, I'd love to see the other planets in our system. Venus seems awful purdy.

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On a serious note, just being in space would be pretty much a dream experience for some people me included. It's definitely more boring (and deadlier) than portrayed to the masses on one side, but hey, most people make such a big deal of being on a ship in the middle of a body of water stuck to our own planet that they slap price tags on the tens of thousands so I don't think complaining about space being just space should be much of a thing.

Of course if space travel ever went to public price tags then common knowledge dictates regular travels would be even cheaper to try still attract customers, so it would open up a lot more possibilities... Decisions... Decisions...

I would love that :D:D:D That way I would be able to actually see what's under a Quarian's mask, but no, bioware decided to keep that a secret (That photoshopped girl they pass as "Tali" doesn't count >.>)

And then I would get myself the ultimate dude-bro (My own Garrus ^^ I'm not saying ALL Turians are like that... But come on, I gotta try ya know? XD)


As for the REAL topic though XD I'm not sure. Personally I don't think we'd be very liked by any other species.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I would want to be a pilot. I would like to be able to fly a spaceship out of the atmosphere and (assuming we have such technology) use a hyperdrive to jump into the far reaches of space, perhaps to a colonized planet or a larger ship.

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I would want to be a pilot. I would like to be able to fly a spaceship out of the atmosphere and (assuming we have such technology) use a hyperdrive to jump into the far reaches of space, perhaps to a colonized planet or a larger ship.

May want to look into picking up Elite: Dangerous until then. Good game of just that.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin


May want to look into picking up Elite: Dangerous until then. Good game of just that.

That's on my list, but out of my budget at this moment.

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There are a few reasons off the top of my head that we should be cautious of:


-Space junk would inevitably increase to much higher amounts than it is today - just a natural consequence of sending so many things into space. Paint chips and and maybe a loose screw hanging in Low-Earth Orbit would be a hazard for many outbound ships and many satellites currently in orbit and any future ones. A worst case scenario would be the Kessler Syndrome, which provided the plot device for Gravity (2013). All spacecraft and satellites would be in danger of being destroyed, and the near entirety of low-Earth orbit would be unnavigable for many generations.

-If space travel becomes public, colonization of cosmic bodies close to us will be inevitable if not already started. This isn't necessarily bad, but we will screw up the natural environment of these places permanently. The problem arises when certain organisms we carry with us happen to survive in these new places, an explosion of evolution will take place with microorganisms and possibly create a super-bug that humans on Earth would not fare well with if people on Mars or the Moon carry them back. Even on these colonies human immune systems would be compromised just because of the lack of microorganisms.

-Radiation, the mean and nasty ionizing kind that damages DNA, would be rough on our bodies and would require shielding. If we are going into space for the hell of it, it would be very cheap to send stuff into space, so a little extra weight wouldn't be too much to ask for proper shielding for passengers so they don't die of radiation poisoning or cancer.

-Low gravity causes many problems with our physique that would drastically impair our health and ability to live nicely in space or on other planets or moons. Mars has only about a third of Earth's gravity, and would thus cause problems with our bodies. The Moon has even less - at half the gravity of Mars. Long space flights in microgravity would probably not feel too good after a while, regardless if you were in coach or first-class.

-Possible space pirates? I am not counting on Somalia having tech to get to space within the next millennium, but there are bad people everywhere - even in space-faring nations.

With that in mind, I would hope these problems would be addressed before we go into space because we're bored. If they are, I would totally go and visit the Moon and Mars, and I would certainly love to see Jupiter's moons.

Edited by riccofox96
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