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A Hiatus is Brewing

Zaphyr Stone

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Well, guys, it's been a fun ride with you all this summer!

However, college classes are starting up again in a few days, and between that, work, and trying to keep generally healthy, I'm going to wish there was two of me so I could keep on top of it all. That being said, my presence here will drop until we get closer to Christmas.

That being said, I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the year! I will still be here on and off. Just more off than on.

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Well, have a great time Zaph. We'll see you sooner rather than later, hm?

Johdan and Lizra 4 an extended period of time!

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Say, speaking of, I'm going to college, too. I really hope it doesn't effect my presence here, you know, because I love site and all.

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Good luck out there, Zaphyr.

It will be easier to post during semester breaks, but if you have a day that isn't busy you'll likely find time to drop by, amcintyr.

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Party hard. 

And bring presents when christmas.


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  • 3 months later...

Well, peeps, I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted after a long (but not really that long?) semester, and I'm ready to come back strong! Everything is wrapping up in the next week, and I'll be free again! Just in time for the holidays!

So yeah. Zaff's back! You may sing my praises now.

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Ah, hey there. It's  been a while since I've last heard of you. Good to see you'll be finding a little bit of time to stick around again. 

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Congrats on making it through another bout of schooling, and welcome back.

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