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The countries we've visited


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I'm pretty sure that we've all visited at least one country in our lifetime other than the one we originally come from. So, in light of this potentially true fact, have you visited any other countries in the world other than your native one? If so, which one(s)?

You all know that I come from the United Kingdom, and that I currently reside in France. And of course, some of you know that I went to the beautiful land of Germany last year too. I'm going to be heading to Italy this coming March too for another school exchange, so I'm really looking forward to that.

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Being in Australia, it's more or less a given that I have been to New Zealand for a holiday. I have also been lucky enough to go to Europe twice, so I have been to England, France, Germany, Austria, Norway, Luxumburg, Switzerland and The Netherlands, as well as Singapore and Malaysia as stop overs for a few days each, and New Caledonia on a primary school french study tour.

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Thanks for the compliment Clearwater! At the moment, it could be better here though..

Well, so far I visited Austria, the Netherlands, Croatia, Spain, Czech Republic and Slovenia ( though more a 'passing through' ).

I really want to travel to Ireland though and Japan and finally go visit my aunt and cousins in Atlanta, she already asked so often for it.

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The only other nation I have visited besides my homeland is England. My grandmother is originally from Margate and immigrated to the U.S in 1960. When I was ten years old, my grandmother revealed to me that she had been saving money since I was born to take me there. That summer my grandmother, my mother, and myself boarded a plane and flew into Deal. There we met my great uncle Brian, a man whom I had never known until that day, and his wife Elaine. We stayed under their roof for a week as we explored Deal, Dover, Canterbury, Westgate, and Margate, my grandmother reminiscing the entire time. I saw my uncle Andy for the first time in eight years, as well. 

After a week with Brian, Elaine, and Andy, we boarded a train and ventured into London. We stayed in a hotel there for three days before finally climbing on a plane once more and coming home. All in all, it was an experience I'll never forget and will hopefully repeat some day.

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I've been outside of Scotland for a grand total of 17 days of my life. I went to Spain when I was wee, I think I was around 5 or 6. That was for one week, but I've also been to Majorca for ten days. That was either in 2008, or when I was 8. I can't remember which.

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I live in 'MURICA and have been in 'MURICA 100% of my life.

It would be cool to visit The Netherlands though since I'm mainly Dutch.

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55 minutes ago, Hoobanana said:

I live in 'MURICA and have been in 'MURICA 100% of my life.

It would be cool to visit The Netherlands though since I'm mainly Dutch.

I thought you were mainly American. ;P

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I live in America, but I'm mainly Dutch. Sorry if there was a misunderstanding or something. :p

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I've been to... Wait...

Uh, I saw a bit of Canada, once?

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Canada, Mexico, yo mama's house XD


No seriously, I went to Canada to see Niagara Falls. On the Canadian side there is a statue and monument to Nikola Tesla for his achievements. On the American side is nothing but gift shops and suffering.


Mexico however, don't go to Mexico. Its scary.

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Murica, Canananadia and Dutchland.


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  • 3 weeks later...

i want to travel far soo bad.. but by the way i visited portugal (because is literally a few kilometers of me lol) and united states (utah to be specific)

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USA, the Flips, Bahamas, Bermuda (technically the UK).

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