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I think its time for a re-introduction.

Robert Monroe

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This is a bit of a weird topic. I've never really left the SF-O community, but for a long time I've not really been a part of it either. Back when I did, I developed something of a reputation, one that over the past 6 years I've grown to dislike more and more as I look back on it.


So, I suppose with SFZ coming out tomorrow and the inevitable influx of new members coming in as well as returning veterans, now's a good time to really just start myself over with SF-O and the few here that still know me and to give a new face for the people that don't know me to get familiar with.


So, hey! I'm Rob. You can also call me Cap or Cappn, a lot of my friends use that too. I first got into Star Fox when I played the SNES game as a kid, but it sadly belonged to one of my friends so I never owned the cart myself. Regardless the weird 3D graphics and the fact it was about animal people in space caused the game to stick out to me. Later on when I got a computer and access to the internet I got really interested in Star Fox through popular fansites of the late 90s and early 2000s - Starfox Database, Rita LaShette's page, countless others I've long since forgotten. I was anxious to join any, though, for I was young and the internet was strange to me, so from the shadows I lurked until the Gamecube hit stores and I got ahold of my own in 2001 for Christmas. That following year I got a copy of Starfox Adventures and with it I joined my first online communities about Star Fox - from there I met many people that would become my life-long friends, and we banded together to form our own little splinter community for Star Fox known as the McCloud Space Station. That lasted a few fun years, then died down. Most of us lost interest in Star Fox, but I stuck around other communities. I spent a few good years on the cesspool known as the Krystal Lovers Association (avoiding several bans literally through favoritism - I was friends with both one of the admins and one of the mods lel) and mostly just wasted my free time trolling.


Then I came here to SF-O. I came at first to kinda-sorta but not really troll a few individuals who seemed to have their head up their butt (read: Sabre) along with Milky, but the place grew on me and I came to call SF-O home. Had a few good years here, then I kinda fell into obscurity for a while, largely due to RL. I poked in now and then, but never really stuck around - though I did try (and ultimately failed) to run an ambitious roleplay based on Star Fox Adventures from 2012 - 2013. So.... here I am now. I've been doing a lot of mellowing out over the past few years, largely due to new friends I've made but also because of my ongoing issues IRL as well.


As for what I'm into, I'm a dyed in the wool Old Guard for Star Fox. Yes, I said my first owned game was Adventures, but my favorite is hands down SF64. I'm a staunch critic of the series post-64, particularly the undue praise I feel it gets. But hey, that's just me - if you like Adventures, Assault, or Command, hell, that's fine by me. I'm very much a retro guy, but the days of hating people for their interests are long past me. Like I said, I'm mellowed out. I'm a fairly critical person in general, actually, but only because I care passionately about things - try not to take my zealous nature as mean spirited or spiteful but rather as an expression of concern for something I love. I can be rather stubborn and hard headed on things, but I like to think I can be most anyone's friend and in stark contrast to how I was years ago, I don't like to start fights or see people fight. So yeah.


Glad to be here again, guys. Hopefully I'll stick around more closely this time!

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And here to stay, baby!

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Omg Rob. It's been too long! It seems like only yesterday that you were posting about rants.

Wait it was basically yesterday.


It ain't no pickle pee my G. 10/10 would bang

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Pft, what happens in the Skype group doesn't count!

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What happens in the bad room doesn't count either Rob.


Rob in peices nnng

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Like I said yesterday: Good to see the veterans making a glorious return. Just promise you're here to stay this time, hmm? ;)

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Glad to have you back Rob! Now please go finish your review on Adventures  ;) 

I like reading your long rants on SF games, its very interesting tbh lol 

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I might drop my SFAd rant and do a more standard review of it, if just because honestly SFAd is much harder to review in giant angry ranty form than Assault was. Where as Assault was full of tiny little things that constantly annoyed or frustrated me, Adventures is more of a slow long burn. Nothing immediately pisses me off, it just builds up.


But eh we'll see!

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ROB, buddy, ol' pal. SFO had it's own version of the Lylat wars and you were always a fun one! Glad to see you are still kicking!

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Oh shit is that -the- Fox McCloud from days of ye olde? I think I still have you on my DeviantArt, haaa.

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