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Depictions of Fox.

Four-eyed Vulpine

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Okay, so we have the canon of Fox McCloud, in which we know what is true about his characteristics and personality.  However, there is also the fanon of Fox McCloud, in which there are infinite possible depictions of how we wish that the character would exist in our dreams.  This is the place where you can spill about what your perspective of Fox is, regardless of the canon set in the series.

Post #700!

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I would like Fox to be a more brilliant leader. He's kind of a brute force leader now, and that works for him, but he could probably be more efficient.

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Canon, Non-Canon, Fanon.....

[/Off-topic/]Fera is Non-Canon, she can never be Canon, so she is Fanon then[Off-topic]

Ok, lets see where Fanon is usesful...

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I would appreciate you posting something with a relevant idea, not an irrelevant one.

Anywho, I agree with dwight in that Fox should play a role of equal importance on the team as the others, instead of having the primary dominance.  Of course, having the lead position could understandably bend one's philosophy to that sort of mindset. 

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Just once, I would like Fox to actually flip (Not like he does in SSB :lol:).

He's too calm for my tastes. Most of the SF games he doesn't act in a sense that fans can see his pain. In SF64 it was like:

Pigma: Daddy screamed Reeeeeeeal good before he died.

Fox: Okay so you like killed my father....So what? I'm Fox McCloud, leader of Star Fox, and I have to save Lylat. Let's just kick your butt so we can move along.

Or something like that. Fox doesn't really show any hatred or anything. GAH! It can be really annoying. I actually liked the way a certain writer on FF.net depicts him as to going in a downward spiral. It was quite creepy but none the less entertaining. Fox has his highs but we rarely seen his lows, emotionally. (And even those SFC endings aren't even considered Canon) That's how I want to envision Fox. Not as a glorfied superleader who can wipe his emotions clean within 2 seconds but as a leader with with his triumphs and tribulations on his shoulders. Might be too deep to dwell into emotions for Star Fox though. I wish they would. It'd make a helluva better story.

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To be honest, I was always pissed that Fox didn't really care if Pigma was still alive. When you see him in Star Fox: Assault, he doesn't really seem to care that Pigma basically killed his father, but instead is more concerned with that stupid Aparoid Core, thingy.

I would really like to see Fox (and the whole team, really) have a little more realistic personalities. When something happens, they usually always keep their core; even when that UFO takes out the entire Katinan base.

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I disagree about that. I think Fox is heroic enough to not take revenge or hate his enemy. His sense of duty is bigger than his emotions, which is a good thing for a leader.

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^Yeah, but its so weird. I mean, his sense of duty is so great that it makes him seem incognizant of emotions altogether. Leaders have to lose their cool at one point but still recover from it so that they can become stronger. I feel as though Fox isn't as strong as he can be. SFC, kinda showed a different side of Fox which I think is interesting.

That's why I agree with what FireFox is talking about. I mean in Assault, when Falco mentioned about James being deceased, Fox's reaction was like.....anti-climatic or dramatic (I dunno....>.>) It just didn't seem real. And he's too infatuated with the mission to even consider his father's killer being in the same presence as himself? Hmmmm....its just weird.

Maybe in the next SF game, emotions can be brought to life! (Meh, its wishful thinking but you never know.)

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I highly doubt Fox to be a "brute force" leader, but rather, an intellectual one; Fox puts me into mind of having intelligence on par with that of Slippy, and knowledge of technical things that is not too far under it; yet he never talks about it, and would much rather fill the leadership position.

Anyway, I also find it completely fine that Fox doesn't freak out when he encounters Pigma; after all, Pigma only betrayed his father; not openly killed him. Also, it shows immense self-control on his part to keep his emotions in-check to keep from being blinded by rage and revengeful thinking.

Also, you guys (even I have done it) are making the general assumption that Fox had an extremely tight relationship with his dad; no where, ever, in the game is this made apparent. Perhaps, though Fox loved his dad, they didn't always see eye-to-eye, they didn't have a whole lot in common, or something of that general nature. *shrug* perhaps he was closer to this mother. We really don't know. However, if this was the case, it would certainly explain a thing or two.

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I tend to think that the lack of emotions is related to the the general content of the game and its younger target audience.  That and the general dialogue of the characters in the game is rather limited as well due the same reasons.

It seems that there is quite an argument over whether Fox should be more emotional or not in response to his father's death.  However my stance is a bit of a compromise between sides, as he should be more emotional with his language, but at the same time keep his mission and leadership role in mind.

The problem is that the game's dialogue is too watered down for my tastes.

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Lesseeeee... I view Fox as one who is in-tune with his emotions, yet at the same time, keeps them in check, or tries to. However, in private is where I say Fox actually shows his emotions. I KNOW for a fact he should still be mourning over his parents. And I DEFINATELY know he probably gets into arguments with his teammates. C'mon,  :fox: IS just a regular guy with regular emotions and all he has that most don't really is great reflexes and a great sense of justice, though, mercs can NEVER be heroes, per sei, since he probably took some questionable jobs in the past so that they don't starve to death.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Chiro-Chan

Erm, sorry for bumping this, but I just HAVE to post my depiction.

To me, Fox is mostly an average guy, but can be excessively sarcastic and gets angry easily. I see him mostly like the SF:AD Fox, and a little like the 1992 comics Fox. Kind of a cynic at times. But I can also see him as being kind and worrying more about his freinds' saftey over his, and probably putting his life on the line to save one of them. Though in his spare time, he'd also be a little goof-off, and probably do something like throw water balloons at Falco, or push Slippy around for fun. Plus, I can see him being the flirty (perverted?!) one rather than Krystal, but that's probably because I've read FAR too many Japanese myths about foxes for my own good. xD So I just see him as a pretty average guy with a crazy life.

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Fox is still young and kind of immature. So he is kind of emotional and reckless sometimes. He cares very much about his teammates and would do anything to protect them. 

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