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what if?


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ok, assume starfox was ambushed, and are now being held hostage on venom.

Miyu Lynx, Fara Phoenix, and Fay Spaniel ask you to be the fourth member of their team and go rescue the rest of the starfox team..

1. would you go? (why or why not)

2. would you be able to concentrate enough to get the job done? (that would be hard for us Miyu fans, but I think I could manage, just barely)

3. after rescuing the rest of the team, would you? a: betray her trust and go after Krystal. B: stay a part of the team and hope Miyu "likes" you. or C: ask to be returned to earth.

for me: h**l yes would be my answer to #1, #2 I already answered, and I'd go with option B on #3

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1. Yeah.

2. Yes.

3. A, but I wouldn't betray her, I would just disband from the team.

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1. If Arwings are as easy to pilot as in the game, yes.

2. No problems concentrating. I'm not that big of a fan of those characters.

3. Betray her trust in what? Her trust that I'm supposed to fall in love with her or something? Anyway, I'd like to hang out as long as possible, but I doubt any of them would be interested in me, Krystal included.

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yeah, I guess I worded the last question a bit wrong, what I meant was going after her friend would be betraying her trust

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1. Yes, because its rescuing Star Fox after all, and I could finally be a pilot.

2. Yes, not to big a fan of those characters and I would have to concentrate, it's COMBAT for cryin' out loud, if I don't I'll die.

3. B. MAYBE because of the Miyu thing, and because I could stay a pilot.

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1.- suuuure, if the arwings have a freaking game cube controller plugged as main flying device :D

2.-I would be perfectly fine <.<, I'm not really a fan of any starfox characters anyways, just overall, sooo I guess I would try to make everything as fast and steadily as I could do

3.- if I could bring a person, yeah why not, I would simply leave earth without regrets, otherwise I would choose to leave the team and return to earth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.  No guys on the team?  Then probably not.  While I am a Star Fox fan, I'm not a big fan of any of those characters.  But if I WAS on the team...

2.  No problems concentrating.

3.  I would ask to be returned to Earth.  You should have added a fourth option so I could be sent to Corneria.  o_O

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1. Yes, especially if the controls for piloting the Arwing is just an N64 controller.

2. Yes, considering there isn't much about the team that would be really distracting to me.

3. I wouldn't betray anyone, I'd prefer to go after someone of my own race, and I would stay on the team for as long as they would need the extra guns.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gah... The N64 controller was horrible, but anyways...

1. Heck yes. Imagine the recognition for saving THE Starfox team. XD

2. I don't think being in the presence of three females would be much of a problem for me. Besides, it's unprofessional to have something like that going on. >.>

3. I'm gonna say B. It would be just great to stay with the team. Eh, I'd probably just be stuck in the Greatfox doing all the planning and coaching. XD

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1: Yes, I would go. Going would involve meeting the Star Fox team and having an action packed adventure.

2:I would be able to concentrate.

3: I would stay and join the Star Fox team if they asked me to. Otherwise I would want to return to earth.

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