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The Furry Debate


Choose the Best Term: Furry, Anthro, or Were  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose the Best Term: Furry, Anthro, or Were

    • Furry
    • Anthro
    • Were
    • No Difference, Same Subculture

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This poll might be too controversial, so if it is, feel free to lock it.

Yes, the big debate of the furry subculture:

Are you a furry, anthro, or were?  Or, do you think that there's no difference or preference, and think that it's only one subculture?

Explain your reasoning with your vote.

I'm an anthro, because I don't like the closely humanized characters and pop culture references in the furry community, but I'm not a hardcore were with spiritual connections.

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I'm gonna have to say Anthro also. I'm not afraid to refer to myself as a fox, but I don't think I'm a fox in a human body.

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I am Human. I am proud to be a part of the most intelligent species on earth. Even in RP, I would be human. IMO The human instinct to kill is far stronger and more... vicious than their anthro/furry/were counterpart. The killer instinct in humans is to kill to end the life. Not to just survive. In the furry world i have seen themselves portrayed as greater than humans. Well physically they have claws, feathers, big ears, muzzles, fur, and even a tail. Humans have evolved beyond the need for any of these things. These "natural tools/weapons" like claws would be useless in a war where technoligy and tactics rule the lives of the soldiers that fight. The human is the pinicule of what a sentient being would look like when it has evolved beyond their natural surroundings.

All things change when the human element is added.

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Were is definately different from furry, they focus on humans turning into weres.

Anthro is a new term created by Foxbird the other day. ;)

Furry only means that you have an interest in anthropomorphic characters. You don't have to believe you're an animal or have a costume.

*voted furry*

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I think the real question is "Furry Fan, Furry Lifestyler, or Lycanthrope?"

Excellent! Only problem is I don't think were is specific to just wolves.

Lycanthrope - Translation: A werewolf.

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Excellent! Only problem is I don't think were is specific to just wolves.

Lycanthrope - Translation: A werewolf.

Well I'm all ears for a more general term, thank you.  ;)
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Well I'm all ears for a more general term, thank you.  ;)

30 seconds on Wikipedia and...

Therianthropy - The general term of metamorphasis from human to animal.


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It's always Wikipedia...

In case anyone hasn't heard of it, WikiFur is a good place to learn more about furry terms.  I've used it myself to better understand the subculture...it's also responsible for my decision to be an anthro.  I suppose Dwight's got a pretty good point that anthro and furry are basically the same thing, but I believe there are subtle differences between the two.


Furry characters closely resemble humans.  Their hands and feet are more humanized than animalistic.  They wear human clothes and engage in typical pop culture things, such as driving cars, going to movies, and playing video games.  Furry fursonas are essentially human in every right, save for the fact that they're either vulpines, lupines, avians, etc., in skin.  There are also inappropriate characteristics that I'll not get into for obvious reasons.


Anthro characters share closer resemblance to actual animals than humans.  They have hand-paws (human-like hands with pawpads and claws rather than fingernails and skin) or regular animal paws instead of human hands.  This term is considered digitigrade, namely for foot-paws, as digitigrade anthros walk on toes just like animals.  Anthros normally don't exist around pop culture, and anthro characters usually live in natural or fantastical settings.  Dragons and (yay) gryphons are an excellent example of this.

I think one of the best visual examples of anthro is Myenia's work on DeviantArt.  She's even had a piece of artwork spurring this very debate, saying "Anthro, Not Furry".  Check out her gallery, and you'll see what I mean above.


So there, I did define it, Dwight!  ;)

Also, I have a rant about the Star Fox characters, yet another example of the difference between furries and anthros.

Render of Fox and Krystal from Star Fox Adventures: http://files.dwightdesign.com/ka/images/officialRenders/images/krystalFoxTricky1.jpg

Look at Fox's hands and Krystal's hand-paws.  I purposefully chose the difference between hand and hand-paw.

Do you see it?  Fox has hands pathetically close to a human's.  Krystal's hand-paws are slender and have claws instead of fingernails.  That's a really good example of the big difference between the two.  Yes, I might be hardcore here, but I believe it's very important.  Another thing to notice is Krystal's foot-paws.  She has three toes and claws, rather than the humanized five.  Even though she walks plantigrade (flat-footed, not on toes), she looks digitigrade (animal-like, or in this case, vixen-like).

So yeah, end rant.  I just wanted to clarify the difference I personally feel between furry and anthro.

EDIT: Dwight made me redirect the Adventures render...he's evil.  :falco:  Try this link instead, and click on the image for full size: http://krystalarchive.dwightdesign.com/images/officialrenders/krystalfoxtricky1/

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EDIT: Dwight made me redirect the Adventures render...he's evil.  ;)

Gots to protect ma bandwidthz!

Actually, in the htaccess file, SFO is already allowed to hotlink to the KA files, but for some reason "forum.starfox-online.net" doesn't count as "starfox-online.net". Oh well, it's fixed now!

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