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SO the new walmart opened yesterday, so i decided to walk in and check it out. This is the FIRST store where i looked down too the other end and said "Yeah... f&$k that..." IT IS HUGE!!!!!! Took me 5 minutes just to get to the electronics! (the most important section)

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So... this was the first time you've been in a Wal-Mart? Certainly, there's lots of stores that big. Have you been to a Fry's Electronics store? It's about the size of a Wal-Mart and a half, and all they sell in computers, electonics, games, and other things you need with those things.

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No i go into walmarts all the time. heck i have been in the Mall Of America multiple times! But this one... this super walmart... Just so happens to be the biggest walmart in the states... And if you wanna check out the whole place in one day, bring a pair of jogging shoes and a water bottle. it is BIG!

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Walmart sucks. Ditto for Target, K-Mart, Best Buy, or whatever. All malls do is take up space.

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I think that Walmart sucks. My family has only had negative experiences there. When my father got his glasses there he took them back because they were not working and the people tried to tell him that he was not wearing them right. When we dropped off out film for "1 hour photo" the pictures were not ready for 48 hours.

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I think that Walmart sucks. My family has only had negative experiences there. When my father got his glasses there he took them back because they were not working and the people tried to tell him that he was not wearing them right. When we dropped off out film for "1 hour photo" the pictures were not ready for 48 hours.

Sure is a lot of negativity over a simple store. If you don't like it, don't shop there.

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Don't need to. There are exactly zero in all of New York City.

Huzzah!  :lol::(:D

Long live idiosyncratic, non-corporate NYC!

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I go to Wal-Mart a whole lot.  I hardly have problems there, other than the fact that it seems to be ALWAYS crowded.  And the technologically illiterate always try to use the automated checkouts....oy....

POST NUMBER 1,400!!!

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Oh no, I hate the automated checkout.

I like it. Let's me do it myself. It's faster when you only have two or three things to buy.

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That's true, but sometimes I like to buy the "bigger" stuff just to annoy the person at the register.

'Cause I'm kewl like that.  :wink:

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I like it. Let's me do it myself. It's faster when you only have two or three things to buy.

Or, if you're the antisocial type, it's useful for that too.  I guess.

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