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Krystal in Brawl?


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My friend was talking to me today and said he stumbled onto something... He knows I'm a bit of a Krystal fan, so I guess I could break some big news to y'all. Which is pretty much expected anyway. So I guess its us N-Parody people who break the news to y'all. :(

Okay, so accoridng to this voice actress' site, the one who played Krystal in Assault... She voices Krystal in Brawl.


http://www.alesiaglidewell.com/ If you go here it links to the production group she belongs to, Snagbuddy, so you know its not just a fansite.


At this link you can see that her name is listed working in some of the short films.

Krystal in Brawl, discuss.

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Holy crap.  :D:shock: :shock:

A massive breakthrough. If there is any doubt that  :( is in Brawl, I think it is safe to say that that doubt is gone.

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You sir! You get a cookie AND A HUG! *runs as fast as his fingers can type to make a post on the Krystal Archive*.


Just to check that this is exclusive, I checked GoNintendo. I think I've figured out where your friend found out:


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But there is one more mystery to be solved, is she an assist trophy, playable character, or maybe a voice acting clip of a Star Fox character like they did in the adventure mode in Melee.

Heres to hoping shes a playable character.

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Not an official confirmation, but a highly credible source.

They puts a high likeliness that she is in the game, but as to whether or not she is playable remains to be seen. I have a feeling we'll find out next week.

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Not an official confirmation, but a highly credible source.

They puts a high likeliness that she is in the game, but as to whether or not she is playable remains to be seen. I have a feeling we'll find out next week.

*agrees* It could be one of those cameo appearances in Melee. I never doubted she'd be in, but in what form, I don't know. Even if she will be a playable character, I throw 2 cents she won't be in her Adventures outfit. If it makes anyone happier,  :D for Brawl. :( *walks away to avoid rants*

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But there is one more mystery to be solved, is she an assist trophy, playable character, or maybe a voice acting clip of a Star Fox character like they did in the adventure mode in Melee.

Ding ding ding! Exactly! I'm thinking if worst comes to worst it may only be a voice acting clip. But, who knows? She could be a playable character. I just want More SF charries. MOAR!

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Krystal will probably be an assit trophy in Brawl, but there is about the same amount of chance she will be a playable character, hhhmmm.....But its more likely to be an assist trophy.

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Well, today's update has probably guaranteed more Star Fox characters being in Brawl.

The world you fight in is pretty much determined based on stage number. Stage 1 is based on The Legend of Zelda. Stage 3 is based on Pokémon. And each time, the characters are chosen randomly.

Conversely, if stage X is based on Star Fox, then the characters are also chosen randomly. A single character is not random.

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I checked the page again, and the part that says she does voice acting in Brawl has been removed, what could that mean?

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Krystal might only be in brawl in the adventure mode, like how the rest of the starfox team was in Melee.

Just a small cameo appearance probably.

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Krystal might only be in brawl in the adventure mode, like how the rest of the starfox team was in Melee.

Just a small cameo appearance probably.

That would be horrible! Still, better than nothing. If she's the next to be revealed, I'm betting it'll be this coming Friday.

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I'm predicting Krystal for Monday if she's an Assist Trophy. If she's a playable character, I'm predicting the revelation on Thursday or Friday.

Here's the info I based this on:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, her Assault version would work. But why does everybody think that this version of her has to be a Fox or Zero Suit Samus clone? She has a lot of potential to be unique like this. Her standard special doesn't have to be a Blaster; don't forget about most of the weapons from Assault.

Moreover, just like Fox's outfit got somewhat modified, the same can happen to her.


Okay, here's how I set her up:

Standard Special: Grenade

Hold the button down to hold onto it, and let go to throw it. It detonates after 5 seconds, thrown or not, so don't hold it too long.

Side Special: Homing Launcher

Works a lot like normal Samus's side special. If "tilted", the missile homes in on someone. If "Smashed", it fires straight. (LOL ONE MOVE = TEH CLONE!!!1)

Up Special: Sniper Rifle

Press the buttons to bring it out and move the crosshairs around to aim it and press the button. When triggered in midair, she automatically fires a grappling hook out of it forward for tether recovery.

Down Special: Sensor Bomb

She simply places one on the ground.

Final Smash: Machine Gun

She'll fire up a rapid storm with it.

Yeah, there's my movelist for Assault Krystal.

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o_O hmmmm....

BONG! ;)


The staff can be an item that ANYbody can use...




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You unlock it by finding it stuck in some stump on one of the levels lol. The character is stunned by the stupid tutorial the he/she cannot understand when he/she finds it.

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