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Starfox galixies?


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That would be Shuper Shweeet. Customize vehicles, explore planets... gah, no! I consider it bad to think about since it may never happen. It makes me want to want it too much, but i'll never be able to reach it. I don't want to get addicted to a fantasy. :D

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I dunno... I mean, we might see, hurts me to say this, but like thousands of Krystal wannabes walking around.

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Hate to agree but he is right.....It would get rather...wierd and annoying after awhile.

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I doesn't go with what StarFox is. It's just not good MMORPG material.

Not that I wouldn't like it, but it just wouldn't really work....


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Blecch. I would rather not play an MMO of StarFox. Would be neat, I guess, but not that great. ^_^

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Blecch. I would rather not play an MMO of StarFox. Would be neat' date=' I guess, but not that great. :?[/quote']

Exactly, there wouldn't be much too it. Like, who would be the last guy? ANDROSS again?

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No not andross agian. I'm tired of killing him. Especially after they used him in starfox adventures. I thought that was so lame. They really should come up with a new villian.

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I would not really count Scales. You never got to even fight him at the end of the game. He was just a puppet controled by andross.

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well thinking about this a starfox galaxies would be a good idea to me. yeah of course you'd get the odd people that look the same but the designers would make it that you could change like what size of the ears and tails and how tall and short and thin and fat you are... not to mention extras like sunglasses or that little head set type think wolf has ^_^. also you would choose from a few races so thats frogs T_T foxes wolfs chamelions panthers wolfs dogs bird,falcon thingie... and maybe some more. and you could probably state and age and the graphics and features to the face might change like slippys father must be wat 68 69 years of age and he has that look of being old with the add on of the tash and large glasses wdf? lol and dont get me started on pepper. also talking about bots and computorised enemies there should deffinetley be some new bad dude going around the lylat system instead of a part looking rayman guy andross T_T. and oinkkany really took a bustin because it looked so pathetic. just another andross wanna-be as falco would say. but also there shud be that huge battle that you get on the first level of SF:A off the atmosphere of katrina i think its called. that would be so good. then there's ships, thinking about that is awesome. you would get from a range of ships plus maybe some new ones and u choose the colours the speed the engines and for panther fans out there paint shops to put on cool designs like the rose or maybe a skull. then we go on to clans. make a clan name then decide what ship u have and colour and your off. and deffinetley some sort of capital ship like the great fox now that would be good... woah i talk too much O.o

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Yeah there could be big capital ships that worked like cities in space. If they got attacked people could use the turrets and stuff.

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To avoid ao there isn't ALOT of Krystal wannabe's it could be a voting and the vinner's could only be Fox, Krystal, Wolf, and so on.

Or all thoose could be computer-played. and the human players could only have there own customized characther, and Cornerian troopers and the others.

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yeah well what i was saying is you could change the size of ears and slant them or make some droop so not one character would be the same. fox krystal falco and other main charries shud be computorized or just never get to see them. the thought of turrets on capital ships would be good. so yeah if some player decides to try and shoot it down it wouldnt be made easy. i think you should also, instead of a just capital ships, small bases out in space. like wolfs one on SF:A and be able to move it slowly through space. also talking about cornerian troops you should be allowed to have some sort of bots so if some large froce tries to take over corneria they could come out of buildings and in bombers to try and take it down. including either you to help them or fight against them.

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Guest damienhusky

MMO? Nah.

Adventures worked out fine for Star Fox. A real RPG might actually work though. While Star Fox is known for its space combat aspect, there is a good story line that could be brought out even further.

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Guest Coolcat blood sucking cat

I persenaly would love the idea of a starfox mmorpg....espicaly all the krystals...more girls for meh XP

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd have to agree, I'd love to have a Nintendo based MMORPG for once, but Starfox isn't the series for it. If done it couldn't be like other MMORPGs and you definately couldn't all be Fox or Krystal or whatever.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest triforce45

I've heard of it, and i think it would be cool if you could customize things like character outfit vehicle stuff like that. Also if it even comes out i hope some the oldies come back like bill or even kat.

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... it would be awesome, I just can't picture how they would have the character creation thing.

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