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How do you go through your fanfics.


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Well, I've been trying to do a fanfic for the past few days, and due to infinite procrastination power (which is another reason I'm writing this topic lol), writer's block, having to go over a scenario several times to not choose or say the cheesiest thing possible, and just mental imaging farther into the story than where I am, I am not as far into writing it as I'd like to be, which is 6, nearly 7, pages in, and I'm just now getting to the climax of what could be considered as the "prologue" of this fanfic. Now I must ask our many fanfic writers how they go about composing their works, because I KNOW you don't do it like me, or we'd never see these things. Please, I am very interested in hearing, or should I say, seeing your answers.

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Well, whenever I have time available, such as when travelling, I start to think trough the mayour plotpoints I want to include in my stories. And when I sit down to write, I just fill in the spaces between them as I go along.

Avoiding writing cheesy cliches when you do it that way actually depends on what I like to call your "writing vocabulary". If you like me have been an avid reader for several years, basic writing structure almost comes by itself.

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Hmm, indeed, I have the basic plot structure down, but its like playing connect the dots while the paper is covered with ants, since I have several version of each scene bouncing around my head, and I'm trying to keep the plot developments from being too "convenient."

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Well, I've been trying to do a fanfic for the past few days, and due to infinite procrastination power (which is another reason I'm writing this topic lol), writer's block, having to go over a scenario several times to not choose or say the cheesiest thing possible, and just mental imaging farther into the story than where I am, I am not as far into writing it as I'd like to be, which is 6, nearly 7, pages in, and I'm just now getting to the climax of what could be considered as the "prologue" of this fanfic. Now I must ask our many fanfic writers how they go about composing their works, because I KNOW you don't do it like me, or we'd never see these things. Please, I am very interested in hearing, or should I say, seeing your answers.

I start in  microsoft word for spelling and grammer then once i'm done I read it through to make sure it all make sense and to pick out things the checker doesn't

I can usaully get a good begingin started one  person I know thinks of the end before the beginign I think of the begingin then work my way to the end.

Varied Chapter lengths are fine.. I try to cut chapters in major scene or plot changes.

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When I tried making fanfics/stories Microsoft Word's trial wore out, so I used WordPad, which is in accesories, I found out I have something called Microsoft Works Word Processor installed, which is free for me to use for an unlimited time.  I'll likely use that if I ever try to make a story again.

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He he, I used to do the fanfics on the computer first, but that was back when Aliens vs. Predator was my main thing and it was simple AVP fanfics, but now, doing these more complex ones, I feel the need to do em by hand first for some reason, probably to really grasp what I'm writing.

Wow, I'm now starting the 10th page, and Vy'drach is still not close to meeting the Star Fox team lol, though I am actually out of the "prologue," finally.

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When I write, I just my imagination unfold. I never force it. When I have a brainstorm, I write it down as soon as possible. If there are mistakes, little details  missing, ect. I try to correct it. But the main story I do it as it pleases me (which may be the reason as to why it may not please others).

Oh, and I write in the computer. Plain NotePad or MS Word, both work fine.

I hate hand-writing... I am to lazy to. :lol:

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When I write, I just my imagination unfold. I never force it. When I have a brainstorm, I write it down as soon as possible. If there are mistakes, little details  missing, ect. I try to correct it. But the main story I do it as it pleases me (which may be the reason as to why it may not please others).

Oh, and I write in the computer. Plain NotePad or MS Word, both work fine.

I hate hand-writing... I am to lazy to. :lol:

yes  I  also let my imagineation flow and I write to make a story I enjoy reading I post it to see how other people like it that's all.
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I usually structure my writing. Right now, I'm passively working on a huge story which is more of a novel itself then a fanfic, except for the fact that I sorta borrowed the universe from Starfox. Anyways, I have laid out all the major plot points and I focus on one of them at a time, usually going in chronological order, because that makes it easier to develop characters. My planning sheet is a total mess of notes, addendums and ideas, which I divide into chapters and then write about.

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Now I've never written a fan fic, but back when I used to make stupid little comics, I'd carry a tiny notebook in my pocket and write down things as they would come to my head. Then when I sat down to start, I'd meld a few of the ideas that went good together and recycle ones I didn't use for another day.

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He he, I don't necessarily force my writing, I just have to find a way to do it without making it look too much like writer's convenience of, "It happened this way, because I say it did," although, I do kinda have to force myself through the writer's block or getting through the climaxs, where I write 1/2 a sentence, then surf the web and such for 10-15 minutes, then finish the sentence. And yeah Showtime, I do the same thing with my planning sheet, its lined with additional scenes, dialogue options (that's actually what takes me so long, I am not very good at dialogue, prior AVP only fanfics were just Predator to Predator, which was more body signals and short statements), and reminders that something happens for "this" reason. I also have the problem of playing the scene out in my head, and not stopping when I get past the current scene, and end up near the end of the story.

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Well, first i let the ideas flow in my head, and try to form them all into a basic plot skeleton, that way I have a sort of outline in my head. Once I feel the story is ready to be written, I write out a synopsis of the story (something brief, that could be on the back of a book) to get a feel of what I have planned. Then begins the draft! I write on the fly pretty much, often I'll start out jotting my chapters down by hand in a notebook and bring them to the computer to type them out later when I have a chance to. However, many times my handwritten stuff is either really crappy versions or incomplete, so when I type it I make it better and/or complete it. I also make sure to actively think about and work out the plot for my story in my head whenever there's time to, even if I'm working or something like that, that way I am excited to get back to working on the story as opposed to feeling like I have to. And even if your time is limited for proofreading and rewriting like mine is, you should always, always make time to double check your stories for plot holes!

Do what works best for you, but probably the most important key to creative writing is if it begins to feel like work and isn't fun anymore, than it's either time to take a break from the project or move on to something that might work better for you.

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