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2010 Earthquakes.

Four-eyed Vulpine

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I couldn't help but notice how violent this year has started off in terms of natural disasters.

In January, there was Haiti's 7.0 magnitude earthquake, smack in the middle of Port-au-Prince...

...then just this past weekend there was the 8.8 magnitude super-quake just off the coast of Chile that prompted tsunami warnings for at least 53 countries around the Pacific rim.  Santiago wasn't very far from that epicenter.

I feel really bad for all the people that are going through these things. :(

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Guest FoXXX

I couldn't help but notice how violent this year has started off in terms of natural disasters.

In January, there was Haiti's 7.0 magnitude earthquake, smack in the middle of Port-au-Prince...

...then just this past weekend there was the 8.8 magnitude super-quake just off the coast of Chile that prompted tsunami warnings for at least 53 countries around the Pacific rim.  Santiago wasn't very far from that epicenter.

I feel really bad for all the people that are going through these things. :(

Hopefully that's the last of them for awhile

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My cousin lives in Hawaii and they haven't even been told to evacuate last I heard. It's been a couple of days, though.

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My cousin lives in Hawaii and they haven't even been told to evacuate last I heard. It's been a couple of days, though.

The tsunami waves haven't been terribly large, fortunately.  What island does your cousin live on?

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I actually don't know. :P The one that The University of Hawaii is on. Chances are she's on Oahu, since that's where two out of three of the campuses are. :P

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I couldn't help but notice how violent this year has started off in terms of natural disasters.

In January, there was Haiti's 7.0 magnitude earthquake, smack in the middle of Port-au-Prince...

...then just this past weekend there was the 8.8 magnitude super-quake just off the coast of Chile that prompted tsunami warnings for at least 53 countries around the Pacific rim.  Santiago wasn't very far from that epicenter.

I feel really bad for all the people that are going through these things. :(

The Haiti quake's epicenter was southwest of Port-Au-Prince.

Earthquakes are not rare. There were three in Southern California in the last hour alone.

In the past week there were several in Central and South America that were greater than mag 6 other than the ones in Chile.

Japan had a couple yesterday.

They only make the news when they're close enough to cities to cause damages.


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The Haiti quake's epicenter was southwest of Port-Au-Prince.

Earthquakes are not rare. There were three in Southern California in the last hour alone.

In the past week there were several in Central and South America that were greater than mag 6 other than the ones in Chile.

Japan had a couple yesterday.

They only make the news when they're close enough to cities to cause damages.


They are also 'in' at the moment as far as news goes. This will explain it better then I can.


Basicly, after the Haiti earthquake, natural desasters are the news all the hip media are into. For example. A few years ago a small earthquake here made some tiles come off of rooftops. I doubt anyone outside of the local area heard about it. So, what would have once been local or national news at best is now international as that's what's currently in.

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it al comes down to what is biasly newsworthy.

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The Haiti quake's epicenter was southwest of Port-Au-Prince.

Earthquakes are not rare. There were three in Southern California in the last hour alone.

In the past week there were several in Central and South America that were greater than mag 6 other than the ones in Chile.

Japan had a couple yesterday.

They only make the news when they're close enough to cities to cause damages.


Sorry for my misinformation.

Perhaps I should watch the news less.  Apparently they only provide an incomplete view of reality.

I guess I shouldn't be too depressed. According to the current mortality rate for the world, about 153,500 people die every day.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Too many fat people are doing jumping jacks. :P

(sorry, I couldn't resist)

On a more serious note, the Pacific Plate is shifting significantly...causing some major upsets...

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They are also 'in' at the moment as far as news goes. This will explain it better then I can.


Basicly, after the Haiti earthquake, natural desasters are the news all the hip media are into. For example. A few years ago a small earthquake here made some tiles come off of rooftops. I doubt anyone outside of the local area heard about it. So, what would have once been local or national news at best is now international as that's what's currently in.

A good video, totally right. However, the media has ALWAYS been focusing on natural disasters more than they should. Cars are literally the most dangerous thing in America, at least that effect all groups (for smokers, smoking is more dangerous; for bull-riders, bull-riding is the more dangerous, etc.). No-one's complaining about the great car epidemic. No-one's reporting on the thousands of people who have died in their own cars already this year. Not to say we shouldn't report Earthquakes, but don't sensationalize it. Don't talk about it 24 hours a day until the next big "disaster" occurs. Why can't we have a news show, JUST ONE NEWS SHOW AN HOUR A DAY, where they only display positive news? This is why I don't watch the news anymore, local, national, or otherwise (not counting tech and video game news, that's usually positive and factional, not sensational). If it's important enough, someone will mention it eventually.

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oh, sweet irony. just as I clicked on post, the news channel I had on started a segment on the earthquake near Santiago.

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A good video, totally right. However, the media has ALWAYS been focusing on natural disasters more than they should. Cars are literally the most dangerous thing in America, at least that effect all groups (for smokers, smoking is more dangerous; for bull-riders, bull-riding is the more dangerous, etc.). No-one's complaining about the great car epidemic. No-one's reporting on the thousands of people who have died in their own cars already this year. Not to say we shouldn't report Earthquakes, but don't sensationalize it. Don't talk about it 24 hours a day until the next big "disaster" occurs. Why can't we have a news show, JUST ONE NEWS SHOW AN HOUR A DAY, where they only display positive news? This is why I don't watch the news anymore, local, national, or otherwise (not counting tech and video game news, that's usually positive and factional, not sensational). If it's important enough, someone will mention it eventually.

15 people a year are killed by sharks.

8 people a year are killed by their trousers.

150 people a year are killed by coconuts.

30-40 people a year are killed by tosters.

Notice how most people are scared of sharks. Personally, I'm only scared sharks attacking me with toasted coconuts while I'm putting on my trousers.

Also, part 1 of that episode goes on about fearmongering in the news. I'm with you not so much on the nice news, but news telling the truth, rather then going after sensationalist celebrity crap. I don't bother with the games news much because most of it is mindless anyway. On a blog I post at, I do a section named after the bit in newswipe called the week in BS. (according to games news.)


I should have been RPing when typing that. Oh well.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Dude!!! O_o  I JUST heard on the news that the earthquake in Chile has put the WHOLE Earth back a milli-second.  I was eating 'Grandma's chicken and rice' meal and I nearly spat it out when I heard it.  I was like  :shock:  "What the frizzle in this god-offly world???!!!"

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Dude!!! O_o  I JUST heard on the news that the earthquake in Chile has put the WHOLE Earth back a milli-second.  I was eating 'Grandma's chicken and rice' meal and I nearly spat it out when I heard it.  I was like  :shock:  "What the frizzle in this god-offly world???!!!"

That's normal. Leap seconds exist for this very reason.

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Guest FoXXX

Dude!!! O_o  I JUST heard on the news that the earthquake in Chile has put the WHOLE Earth back a milli-second.  I was eating 'Grandma's chicken and rice' meal and I nearly spat it out when I heard it.  I was like  :shock:  "What the frizzle in this god-offly world???!!!"

So I'm a millisecond older even if I haven't lived it yet? :x

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Guest Para Astaroth

So I'm a millisecond older even if I haven't lived it yet? :x

I believe you're younger, but if in reality the quakes didn't happen, then we would be MUCH more ahead of time as we are.

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So I'm a millisecond older even if I haven't lived it yet? :x

Only if you time your life based on how many millionths of degrees around the sun you went, time itself didn't go backwards, just our historical measurement system.

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Guest FoXXX

Only if you time your life based on how many millionths of degrees around the sun you went, time itself didn't go backwards, just our historical measurement system.

I'm joking man :P I need to put a /s in my posts more often :S

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You know what? My geo teacher said to my class yesterday that he had a curse. Every time he gave a lesson on natural disasters and earthquakes, one would happen the following day. The latest earthquake that happened in chile is one that happened after he taught a grade 11 class on earthquakes. He also claimed that this has been going on since 2000. Wierd huh?  O_o

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Guest FoXXX

You know what? My geo teacher said to my class yesterday that he had a curse. Every time he gave a lesson on natural disasters and earthquakes, one would happen the following day. The latest earthquake that happened in chile is one that happened after he taught a grade 11 class on earthquakes. He also claimed that this has been going on since 2000. Wierd huh?  O_o

It's a sign

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