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Who Cares?


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I'm a monster. Old news maybe, but I'm also the pleb of monsters apparently. I was wondering where you fit in.

You see, recently I have accussed of being a lesser gamer, a homophobe, a poluter and a ...anti endangered speices-est?

The reason being that when asked for my opinion on said topics my responce was "I don't care."

"What system do you play games on?"

"I don't care as long as the games are good."

"What's your opinion on gay rights?"

"I don't care what anybody does in their bedroom. It doesn't effect me."

"Should we save the panda?"

You get the idea.

There are things I do care about, but I say I don't care about something, people react as if you are not only the opposate to their opinion, but you've also insulted their mother in the process. Kicking up a fuss about it doesn't make your cause seem greater, if anything it pushes me away. Currently I seem to be the only guy in this possition, so I thought I'd ask to see what popular opinions and topics you couldn't care less about.

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Sounds like me... The good news is people don't tend to get too fussy:) I don't even care about both world wars really... but in socials class, the teachers always talking about how... I dunno, how something you will feel, I just, don't care.

"How do you want your hair cut?"


"Where should we walk to?"

"Where ever."

"This person totally digs you."


and finally

"What system do you play games on?"

"I don't care as long as the games are good."

"What's your opinion on gay rights?"

"I don't care what anybody does in their bedroom. It doesn't effect me."

"Should we save the panda?"

You get the idea.


When I do have an opinion...

Why do you like that kinda music?

I dunno.

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It's called passion for your ideals. A good debater knows how to correctly deal with apathy or negative views of your ideals. A bad debater resorts to incredulous silence or name-calling.

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It's called passion for your ideals. A good debater knows how to correctly deal with apathy or negative views of your ideals. A bad debater resorts to incredulous silence or name-calling.

What if you have no opinion on the matter?

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This happens EVERY time I go to my friends' house.

So what do you wanna do?

... I dunno. Doesn't matter to me.

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What if you have no opinion on the matter?

I addressed that: "APATHY or negative views"

Apathy means you don't care.

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I know what apathy is. I was meaning 'what if your a debater with no view on the subject'.

It's called "not a debate." You can't debate anything if you take no side.

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Guest Julius Quasar

It's called passion for your ideals. A good debater knows how to correctly deal with apathy or negative views of your ideals. A bad debater resorts to incredulous silence or name-calling.

^ this

What if you have no opinion on the matter?

Who cares? :)

:lolhyst: Nice! (good timing, FoXXX!)

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On many sites, simply replying with "I don't care" amounts to nothing and would be considered spam. Basically you might as well say "fhjdsahfjdhsflkhewjfhja" Its not important that you don't care, just don't reply to threads that you don't care about.

eg 'I don't care' about a pet fox, but if there happened to be a thread about a pet fox, then I don't make a post simply to say that I don't care.

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