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Ninten help

Matt Macdowel

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2. so when i connect to the inernet and go on my games it takes up MB just to do that?  thats preety stuipid but i cant' go over a limit witch well coast us alot of money  25 cents every MB i go over my limit is like 5 thonds or 500 thounds!

@kursed i don't hav a router or modem well not anymore but the wii cannot connect to the router if i don't have a modem right?

What Kursed said has no bearing on your situation. Since you are using a cellular broadband card for internet access, you CANNOT use a router.

Anyway, games counting against your bandwidth allocation is not stupid at all. It's the way the internet works. ANYTHING that uses the internet counts against it, even posting here at the forums. Finding out what your connection is being used for requires special equipment that slows down the network, so they just count the bytes.

If your games do ANY network communication, they use bandwidth. Even though you see characters moving on screen, at the core of it, a computer network is nothing more than a means which computers send information to eachother (Yes, the Wii is a computer, but it is a highly specialized computer).

Information always has size to it. Your Wii has to get information about where your opponents and allies are and the conditions of the play environment at all times. If one player picks up an item, all of the players' games must be immediately notified to handle the pickup correctly and whether or not to remove it from the environment or whatever. Players' movements need to be shared with everyone. As do other game variables.

This information, like anything else moved through the internet, is transmitted in chunks called "packets." Packets range in size between 20B (bytes) and about 64KB (kilobytes). The exact size of the packets depends on the program responsible for them.

If you find yourself hitting usage caps too often, dump the cellular broadband. Cheap DSL will give you more usage ("unlimited" which means the cap is so high they won't tell you what it is), and likely cheaper. Cellular isn't worth it unless you are constantly taking a laptop out somewhere where there is no access to wifi. Also, cellular tends to have some latency. That could mean laggy gameplay.

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so this well be used against me even if i use nintendo wifi? and i would have to pay for it greattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

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