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That Guy

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Hey ya'll, I'm a bit curious. Do the majority of you prefer to have up to fly down and down to fly up, or the other way around? I ask, because I usually have my controls in the original Star Fox, Up to go up and down to go down. And just now, I started to play Star Fox 64...yeah, you can guess how that went...

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For Arwing sections, I usually prefer inverted controls, (up is down, down is up).  For things like Landmaster and on-foot sections (specifically from Assault), I've always enjoyed the regular controls (all directions do what they are expected to do).  I hate Command's controls, whether they are inverted or not. 

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I prefer non-inverted controls but really, I'm a person that can work with either one.

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like a real airplane: pulling - nose up, pushing - nose down ;) So control type A is my favorite.

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I play with a joy-stick, so inverted makes more sense, when you tilt the arm back, then it points upwards and so does your ship. Though if I ever use a game-pad, then inverted is just odd.

I think I once played a game where you could invert left and right, that was just un-co.

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Inverted, like with a real airplane.

:peppy: "Pull hard back to do a loop! But be carefull, it might be a trap!"

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Inverted, like with a real airplane.

:peppy: "Pull hard back to do a loop! But be carefull, it might be a trap!"



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Guest Julius Quasar


like a real airplane: pulling - nose up, pushing - nose down ;) So control type A is my favorite.

Same here! :yes:

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I prefer the opposite of traditional control.

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Inverted :cool:

for flying only.
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for flying only.

YES! Landmaster and on-foot (talking about assault) just don't seem right to me while inverted.

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I like inverted controlls on Arwings and Landmasters.  I use normal controlls when on foot.

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