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Play some command time!


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Alright, so I tried playing command online, doesn't work... You win, the last second someone quits, you loose, it's because someone's got action replay, and made it so that they kill you in one hit, ect...

So if I can't play in anyone matches, I'm going to have to selectively find people to play command with, so anyone here wanna battle it up for commands sake!

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I would play with you for honesty´s sake. Even though I do use emulators sometimes I likely never use action replay/gameshark/gamegenie cheats. I do use them rarely for single player (but I have to be bored with the storyline to do that).

In any case case I do not have Wi-Fi, so all I can do is wish you good look on your player-finding quest.

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Alright, so I tried playing command online, doesn't work... You win, the last second someone quits, you loose, it's because someone's got action replay, and made it so that they kill you in one hit, ect...

So if I can't play in anyone matches, I'm going to have to selectively find people to play command with, so anyone here wanna battle it up for commands sake!

Boy I hate to go off topic, but I don't have money to buy command, with the release of Heart Gold and Soul Silver recently. But anyways, I was just wondering whether or not the game is worth playing and buying, and not emulating. Please don't spoil anything with your guys' posts, seeing as I have no clue about anything about the game, except krystal is in starwolf or something.

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I'd buy it, it's really great, although a lot of people think differently. I'd rather have starfox on the go then none at all... story line could use some work though...

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Boy I hate to go off topic, but I don't have money to buy command, with the release of Heart Gold and Soul Silver recently. But anyways, I was just wondering whether or not the game is worth playing and buying, and not emulating. Please don't spoil anything with your guys' posts, seeing as I have no clue about anything about the game, except krystal is in starwolf or something.

I just think of it an as spin-off. That does give it some score for me (because spin-offs and canon are at diferent level, I think). But that is just myself. Overall I heard in the web mixed reviews. Some said it was the best game, others said it was the worst... ect.

On-topic, I would play with you simply because I am honest enough not to use any cheats or whatever... but I doubt I will actually be able to do so.

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