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Well. Hello.


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Hello, all. As you could probably tell, I'm Smash-Kun (feel free to call me Smash for short). I've been a fan of Star Fox since my childhood, and have been following the series for awhile now. Not only that, but I was recommended here by a close friend of mine.  I also like to brawl, role play, and even occasionally draw in my spare time. Currently practicing antros...

And that's it, for now. I'll customize my avatar and that when I get back from school today. 'Till then.

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Good to have you here Nii-san! I need to get active around these places more often myself. Dx

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Guest Julius Quasar

Welcome to SF-O!


Please keep your hands, arm, legs, and feet inside the ride at all times!

No flash photography, no smoking, eating, or drinking allowed!

Do not pull down on the safety bar, it will be lowered for you!

Enjoy SF-O!

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Welcome to SF-O. I hope you'll like yourself here.

@julias how u do  those smily faces?

When posting, you'll se a link saying: [more] under the row of the more normal smilies.

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Welcome, I hope you enjoy the thriving community that we call Starfox-Online!  :welcome:

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