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James Mccloud's Editing Corner

james mccloud

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k i edit all differnet kinds of pictures to make them be funny, gross, or anything else!

Just post your picture and tell me what you want me to do to it and i will.

heres a sample of my editing:


Note: I had a hard time with this because i rushed it. i usually can finish these up in 5 to 10 minutes and have them look great. this one i spent like 2 minutes on.

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ya i know.

Ill have a nintendogs pic up soon.

but for now, heres some thing to think about.

PIE!!! :x

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There, fixed your name in the topic title. :x

I don't really get what the first one's about... but I'm waitin' for the next ones!

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The first one was me just messing around.

And i cant ake anymore until you tell me what to make!

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Heres a nintendog that got angry after the cat stole its food


EDIT: I have a question... is it illegal to take a U.S. symbol and Change it so its funny and then put it on the internet? for example, instead of the fbi symbol, "department of justice federal bureu of investigation", i change it to "Department of juice fruity bureua of investigation".

Is that illegal?

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He's stylin' and profilin', mile styled.

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Hippitty Hoppity Miles "Tails" Prower!!!


Dude, do one of Tails as a pimp, that'd be funny as heck. :shock:

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Hippitty Hoppity Miles "Tails" Prower!!!


hey that guy stole my chain oh no wait here it is nevermind they look so alike

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Dude, do one of Tails as a pimp, that'd be funny as heck. :shock:

k. ill do that one right now. Ill just change the hat to a pimp hat, give him a pimp stick, make his glasses a little different and voila!


Pimpin Tails. Give me more requests please cause i got alot of free time on my hands.

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HAHAHAHAHAHA THE TAILS ONE! That's so funny looking, you don't see him with glasses ever, much less a hat like that! :shock:

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lolz. now please guys, give me some ideas on what to make! Im super bored and i enjoy doing this!

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