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Mature subjects area rules:

1. Don't be a douchebag. We're all adults here. No need for hateful or mean things. Don't start shit, either.

2. No porn. Keep it "Rated R" or under. SFO is not a *fap* board. Keep that stuff out of here.

3. What happens in the mature area stays in the mature area. The whole point of this section is to keep the related drama out of the general discussion. I won't tolerate "drama leaks."

4. If you don't like it, don't look at it. If it is allowed by the rules, don't complain about it.

5. Anything that may be the least bit NSFW must be marked [NSFW].

6. Lying about your age or violating the above rules will result in your mature access being revoked.

Image policy addendum.

For the most part, the standard image policy applies. But there are a few relaxations.

You do not have to link things, but please note that nudity is considered NSFW and threads with it need to be marked as such.

Mildly suggestive things are OK, but remember: No Porn.

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