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"Warning Levl: -%" Huh?


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Lately on some user's profiles, I've noticed this thing that says "Warning level -%" And it has some type of hyperlink. Can someone tell me what that is? (Both it and the hyperlink)

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Lately on some user's profiles, I've noticed this thing that says "Warning level -%" And it has some type of hyperlink. Can someone tell me what that is? (Both it and the hyperlink)

I think its when admins give warnings, get so many and your temp abned. Recently they have been handed out for seemingly no reason. I wont discuss theories as the mods are paranoid about the issue.

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I think its when admins give warnings, get so many and your temp abned. Recently they have been handed out for seemingly no reason. I wont discuss theories as the mods are paranoid about the issue.

With all respect Sabre,

when moderators/administrators

give someone a ban, where it temporary or permanent,

there is allways a reason for it.

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I think its when admins give warnings, get so many and your temp abned. Recently they have been handed out for seemingly no reason. I wont discuss theories as the mods are paranoid about the issue.

If you have opinions on the subject, I'd really like to hear them personally. The staff's here to serve and protect the community, and getting insight in the members opinions helps us to do just that.

The reason there have been a lot of warnings issued lately is from my viewpoint simply that we'd have quite a bit of trouble lately between several of the members of the site. As two of the worst troublemakers now have been banned, I do think we can see the light in the end of the tunnel now.

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With all respect Sabre,

when moderators/administrators

give someone a ban, where it temporary or permanent,

there is allways a reason for it.

^ Seconded. Plus, sometimes people don't remember what they did before they were banned.

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I don't see it where is it on a profile.

The last time I saw someone had a warning, the warning level is above the 'Date Registered' line. Well, you can find it only if he/she has a warning

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With all respect Sabre,

when moderators/administrators

give someone a ban, where it temporary or permanent,

there is allways a reason for it.

There's always a reason, just not always right or fair.

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There's always a reason, just not always right or fair.

But Zicka deserved it.

As a long-time troll, it was just question

of time until he ticked off (too much) the staff.

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There's always a reason, just not always right or fair.

Welcome to earth, in where us humans can commit mistakes  :P, I hope your Vulcan logic will understand this.

Seriously tho, if we raise warning levels, we usually discuss it in the staff area (like for high warning levels), I just consider it as a fancy tool, since it really doesn't do too much, since the warning level % decreases over time, and I normally never give more than a 10% warning level per week. Formal warnings are usually rare, and the two guys that kept us really busy are already gone.

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Welcome to earth, in where us humans can commit mistakes  :P, I hope your Vulcan logic will understand this.

Seriously tho, if we raise warning levels, we usually discuss it in the staff area (like for high warning levels), I just consider it as a fancy tool, since it really doesn't do too much, since the warning level % decreases over time, and I normally never give more than a 10% warning level per week. Formal warnings are usually rare, and the two guys that kept us really busy are already gone.

Gone for good :D

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Formal warnings are usually rare, and the two guys that kept us really busy are already gone.


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Wait, can you actually see how much of a warning they have?

Yes, IF they have a warning, you'll see it. The warning level of an offender is found at his/her profile, above the 'Date Registered' line.

How do I know? I didn't get a warning; I just came across one user who have had 5% warning level occasionally. I'm not intending to offend or anything though, to that person who I just mentioned.

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Matt McDowell and Zicka

Zicka I know, but people are really sheepish about talking of matt for some reason. We didn't get on, so I wonder, was it his religious BS that done him in?

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There was some other stuff on deviantART posted, but that's been said n' done.

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Zicka I know, but people are really sheepish about talking of matt for some reason. We didn't get on, so I wonder, was it his religious BS that done him in?

I'll be sending you a PM ASAP. (Wohoo for contractions)

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Zicka I know, but people are really sheepish about talking of matt for some reason. We didn't get on, so I wonder, was it his religious BS that done him in?

He sent death threats to some people here. As I have said before, that's an instant perma-ban offense.

We don't ban people without reason.

Also, if you feel we've acted unfairly, SPEAK UP! We're human, and sometimes an outside observer can enlighten us to a mistake we have made. You'll at least get an explanation of what happened, and if we made an error, then we will correct it.

It has been a policy ever since SFO was resurrected that we do not ban people for disagreeing with us.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Heh.  I once got a 15% warning for linking to a fan artwork of Krystal nude.  It was tasteful/artistic nudity, and only a view of her back, and she was sitting down on a surfboard in the water, but apparently, I "forgot to add the nudity warning", and someone tattled on me for that.

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That was a little much. PM me the details on what happened. A simple edit and "put a warning next time" would have sufficed unless it was a repeat offense.

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So he death threated people huh? Great. He's on aL now and begging for my respect back. I'll warn hoshi and them about that.

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