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The FIFA World Cup 2010: South Africa begins today! What do you think?


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What do you think about the tournament?

Really, it's absolutely awesome for me.

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I will be cheering for my motherland!

(No. Not Soviet Russia. Argentina)


I'll be rooting for all of the countries, after all.

Each of those has their own speciality.

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I'll be rooting for all of the countries, after all.

Each of those has their own speciality.

That is true as well. :)

We have a special football-grudge

against Brazil.

There, each time any country scores against

us they give a free round of beer at the bars.

Here, when any country scores against Brazil

we give a free round of Pizza.


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That is true as well. :)

We have a special football-grudge

against Brazil.

There, each time any country scores against

us they give a free round of beer at the bars.

Here, when any country scores against Brazil

we give a free round of Pizza.



*Goes to store. Buys intching powder. Goes to LAX. Arrives at South Africa. Finds where Brazilian team is staying at. Sneaks in. Pours Intching powder on their shoes. Sneaks back out. Goes to airport. Buys next ticket to Argentina. Arrives at Argentina and waits by nearest Dominos*

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*Goes to store. Buys intching powder. Goes to LAX. Arrives at South Africa. Finds where Brazilian team is staying at. Sneaks in. Pours Intching powder on their shoes. Sneaks back out. Goes to airport. Buys next ticket to Argentina. Arrives at Argentina and waits by nearest Dominos*

Pizza fan lol

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Yo le voy a Mexico!!! Woooh! Well of course since I'm Mexican

¿Asi que tambien hablas

Español, eh? :lol:

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It's football, as such it's just like a background bit of fridge noise here. Sometimes with a song.

To see my attitude to football

2-10 if you cba to watch the whole thing.

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I don't really care much for soccer, it has never been popular in this country. But I was supporting my country last night until we were embarrassed in the end...

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Germany laid the smackdown on Australia today. oh god it was awesome! lol

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It's nice fans are getting hype over the World Cup but I'll be damned if I have to sit for another minute and listen to the annoying ambiance of those stupid horns.

Not really rooting for anyone in particular.

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HAhahahaha oh god those horns. I  was tempted to mute my tv. It costs them $1 to make and they sell for $10

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^Lulz Awesome profit! Oh yeah, Germany stomped Australia. 4-0. Wow. Aus. got completely shut out.

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Shut out? That was decimation. lol who played saturday? Cause there was an absolutely terrible goal and i can't remember.

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Ill watch an occasional 10 minutes or so of a game before heading off to work.

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Lol, sorry, I sounded rather mean I think :lol: + :oops:

..but of course, I do love my Italy and Germany xDD Too bad Venezuela gets grouped with Brazil and Argentina, because that means they´ll always get downsized OTL

Yeah, Argentina and Brazil are the

2 best football players in the world,

I think.

By the way, did you notice it?

Paraguay and Uruguay (those two little

countries) have a bigger ego than

thier more skilled neighbours.

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Pfft, no, I was supporting your statement! xD

And that´s true, they are the best. Fans give me strange looks when I wear my Argentina jersey along with my Brazil flag, though, because I´m contradicting myself;; But I´m such a big fan of futbol that I couldn´t care less who I root for.

It is ok, but they give you that look

because on politics, we all friends with

Brazil (our army forces even make coordinated

stuff), but on football, they are like... Uh,

"Our GREATEST ENEMY".  :lol:

lol, that is pretty much true.  :lol: :lol: :oops:

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Vuvuzela! Problem? :troll:

On a more serious note, I wonder if an experienced brass player can actually make music with one... It would be tough. Without valves or slides, it's all embouchure.

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Every time I watch Fifa I go to sleep. Probably cause I was forced to play soccer and don't care for it. Honestly I don't care who wins.

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Vuvuzela! Problem? :troll:

On a more serious note, I wonder if an experienced brass player can actually make music with one... It would be tough. Without valves or slides, it's all embouchure.


Vuvuzelas... When MANY in number,

they sound like many, MANY

flies annoying around. :oops:... Did you notice? :lol:

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Lol, sorry, I sounded rather mean I think :lol: + :oops:Yeah, Argentina and Brazil are the

2 best football players in the world,

I think.

really it's Brazil and Spain. Argentina is third or fourth behind Italy.

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