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Asper Sarnoff

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We've been hit by a spambot, advertising something to do with WoW it seems. I have deleted his posts, and edited those of members who have quoted its spam.

I'll advice you all, that if you stumble upon obvious spam or quoting of spamposts, please report it to the moderators, such that we can take action against it.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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OH NOEZ!! Everyone hates :spam:!  Sure thing Asper :D

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Oh... I forgot to reinstall one of the anti-spam plugins after the RC3 update.... Oops... :facepalm:

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Wow, it can make members quote it? Or is that just people quoting to laugh at it?

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It's people not using their brains and quoting it to complain about it. The point of link farming like that is to get search engines to follow the link, thus increasing the linked site's search engine rank. By quoting them, you give more links, ones that us staff can miss, and thus are actually aiding them.

Just hit the report button and don't reply. It's a bot, it won't read your post anyway.

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Haha, don't know why people would quote a bot, but anyway. I'll report anything I find. :)

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Guest Julius Quasar


:fox: "Blasted spambots! Die already!"

:falco: "Dang spambots! How far to they plan to keep on spreading?"

:peppy: "Machines are machines, after all...those without strong wills can be turned to evil."

:slippy: "Stupid spambots!"

:krystal: "The spambots are clinging to the walls! They won't let go!  Ugh, it's disgusting!"

:wolf: "Fox! Spambots!  Shoot 'em down!"

:leon: "Ugly spambots!  It's no fun fighting unshakeable enemies!"

:panther: "Oh no! one of my favorite web forums got totaled!"

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:fox: "Blasted spambots! Die already!"

:falco: "Dang spambots! How far to they plan to keep on spreading?"

:peppy: "Machines are machines, after all...those without strong wills can be turned to evil."

:slippy: "Stupid spambots!"

:krystal: "The spambots are clinging to the walls! They won't let go!  Ugh, it's disgusting!"

:wolf: "Fox! Spambots!  Shoot 'em down!"

:leon: "Ugly spambots!  It's no fun fighting unshakeable enemies!"

:panther: "Oh no! one of my favorite web forums got totaled!"

Julius....dude....that was PERFECT! :D

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:fox: "Blasted spambots! Die already!"

:falco: "Dang spambots! How far to they plan to keep on spreading?"

:peppy: "Machines are machines, after all...those without strong wills can be turned to evil."

:slippy: "Stupid spambots!"

:krystal: "The spambots are clinging to the walls! They won't let go!  Ugh, it's disgusting!"

:wolf: "Fox! Spambots!  Shoot 'em down!"

:leon: "Ugly spambots!  It's no fun fighting unshakeable enemies!"

:panther: "Oh no! one of my favorite web forums got totaled!"

Great Grinning Head of John the Baptist in a Porkpie Hat Stuffed in a Rhinestone Bowling Bag!

Yeah... Too much Sam & Max... :roll:

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Great Grinning Head of John the Baptist in a Porkpie Hat Stuffed in a Rhinestone Bowling Bag!

Yeah... Too much Sam & Max... :roll:

lol :) So true

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:fox: "Blasted spambots! Die already!"

:falco: "Dang spambots! How far to they plan to keep on spreading?"

:peppy: "Machines are machines, after all...those without strong wills can be turned to evil."

:slippy: "Stupid spambots!"

:krystal: "The spambots are clinging to the walls! They won't let go!  Ugh, it's disgusting!"

:wolf: "Fox! Spambots!  Shoot 'em down!"

:leon: "Ugly spambots!  It's no fun fighting unshakeable enemies!"

:panther: "Oh no! one of my favorite web forums got totaled!"


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Hehe, calm down guys. As DZ fixed the issue, we should be safe now.

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