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RP Help


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Hello everybody out there in TV land. This isn't an RP Request, it's just I've always wanted to make a sucessful RP but always EPICALLY FAILED. And I really wanna make an RP but I'm a noob at RPing, I read Sabre's "How to RP" topic thingy (Version 2) and No help, what I think would be best is if I just made an RP and tried it out, like I said, I'm a noobie at RPing and I could use some help from people who curb stomp people in the face when it comes to RPing. Also...maybe an idea? But mostly just figure out how to do the whole RPing thing before I come up with an idea so help me out guys :)

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As much as I would like to help you,

I lack some... 'information'.

First of all, regarding what you need

help the most?

I mean, you say about 'creating an RP'?,

or do you need help 'playing' an RP?

Creating/making an RP is easy, the hard

part is making it balanced, and fun

to attract a group of players large enough

to get it approved. You create the set of

rules, theme/settings, initial situation, ect.

Of course, all RPs have to comply with the

board rules.

Playing an RP is relatively easier, as your

character(s) enter the world of the RP and

interact with it, as well as the other players,

to ultimately finish the RP. As a forum-based

system, each user's character or characters

actions are described in a post. Depending

on the RP, however, you face some or other

restriction. Some RPs intend to be 'as realistic

as possible', others to limit weapons, ect.

For RP creation ideas inspiration, you can take

a look here. And there, to

see how a roleplay runs. Of course, when you feel

'ready to play', you will need to either make a custom (or

fan, as most people call them) character to play with.

Custom characters have the advantage that you can play

with them as many times you want, while canon characters

have the advantage of an already developed personality

and traits. Here you can see

some examples about custom/fan characters, should you

choose to make one/them. (beware that you must provide

some basic information, name, race, ect.) You can also

add as much data as you want to.

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Interesting. I would V3 it for you, but I've not played RP in a while. I can't really help you sinse Im not sure what you are asking.

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It would help a lot of you explained which part of the process in creating and running a roleplay you'd like some help on. Tell us a little about your previous roleplays, how they went bad, ideas you'd like to try out, and stuff like that.

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Oh hon, I'd love to start an RP here too but they do it differently here than I'm used to. I'm used to massive posts, and it all being in one topic, not different places having their own topic. I love writing and when I do write, I have to write loads haha. First Mod position I ever got was an RPG Mod on a Zelda forum after like, a month of being there lol. :3

If you like, you can PM me and maybe we can work on it together? :) I'd love to try out the RP style used here. :3

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Okay, I honestly appreciate all the help you guys are trying to provide. But I can see what I was saying has somewhat confused you. Allow me to rephrase the question or statement. I need help, not on making an RP because I have a badass imagination lol, but I need help on keeping an RP going, because sometimes I can loose control of what's happening and kinda drift off. I've never really done an RP before but I've always wanted to.

And Thanks again to all you guys trying to help me with this situation :):friends:

And Asper, I've done role plays that sucked so much stamen there was none left for poor mayor bee. Here's a link to a sucky one lol.


lol it's a little dramatic but it was a long time ago.

And thank you Redeemer, I will do just that :):friends:

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Cool, we'll do this together, 2 heads are better than 1! :D  :friends:

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Cool, we'll do this together, 2 heads are better than 1! :D  :friends:

Unless your mutated and you have another head on your back lol  :lol:

Still we could use as many people as we can to do this.

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Okay, I honestly appreciate all the help you guys are trying to provide. But I can see what I was saying has somewhat confused you. Allow me to rephrase the question or statement. I need help, not on making an RP because I have a badass imagination lol, but I need help on keeping an RP going, because sometimes I can loose control of what's happening and kinda drift off. I've never really done an RP before but I've always wanted to.

And Thanks again to all you guys trying to help me with this situation :):friends:

And Asper, I've done role plays that sucked so much stamen there was none left for poor mayor bee. Here's a link to a sucky one lol.


lol it's a little dramatic but it was a long time ago.

And thank you Redeemer, I will do just that :):friends:

Me and asper had a long chat about this before the RP section ground to a halt.

We came up with ways of doing things.

The usual way is simply interesting stuff with a simple goal. You will always lose players early on, so agreeing to a commitment of making it so that early guys can be kicked out without much fuss. Even so, I have yet to be in one RP that wasn't either a rush finish or dead. some are just weird in how they 'end'.

The second method that we discussed is the idea of a DM much like in D&D. One guy who controls the NPCs and guides the events.

One thing I want to try as well is limiting peoples badarse moments. In my experience, people drop in, do their cool thing, kiss the girl, whatever their fantasy is, and leave because they have done their bit. With my Dragonborn RP, I had a plan for exactly that kind of escalation. There isnt alot of action at the start which gives the lazy people a chance to quit, a bit of mystery followed by mild action then the final battle then end. But I never got the chance.

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Okay, I honestly appreciate all the help you guys are trying to provide. But I can see what I was saying has somewhat confused you. Allow me to rephrase the question or statement. I need help, not on making an RP because I have a badass imagination lol, but I need help on keeping an RP going, because sometimes I can loose control of what's happening and kinda drift off. I've never really done an RP before but I've always wanted to.

And Thanks again to all you guys trying to help me with this situation :):friends:

I see. Then, one of the most important things to keep in mind is KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) but interesting. It's wise to have an overall plan which you can guide players trough, but always feed them just enough to keep them interested, but still leave room for them to play how they want (Within reason of course).

Another thing, is that while you can have an overall goal which you want to get to, keep a route B for the players to get there!

Example, a party of adventurers are following a road leading to the castle of the evil wizard (Which is what you want, because his defeat at your hands is the grand finale of the roleplay). But then suddenly, one of the roleplayers decide that they want to leave the road and go into the forest which surrounds you. Before you can post, several other of the roleplayers agree on this, because they don't know what you have in mind, and follow that player.

Now, instead of trying to guide them back to the road, often resulting in blood, sweat and tears, and acusiasions of you being a tyrant which doesn't want to roleplay, but rather force people to write your story FOR you, you can let them encounter and be taken prisoners by the wizards henchmen, which are patrolling the forest, be taken to the castle and thrown into a prisoner cell. Then, you have to break out from there, fight your way trough the evil minions to the wizard, and finally defeat him. You achieve the same goal, but let the players decide the route.

One thing I want to try as well is limiting peoples badarse moments. In my experience, people drop in, do their cool thing, kiss the girl, whatever their fantasy is, and leave because they have done their bit. With my Dragonborn RP, I had a plan for exactly that kind of escalation. There isnt alot of action at the start which gives the lazy people a chance to quit, a bit of mystery followed by mild action then the final battle then end. But I never got the chance.

This is actually a very important point. Far to often, one see players which try to shoehorn their characters doing something unbelivably epic(In their mind that is), into a situation where there really isn't room for such. It usually makes a huge mess, and detract from the overall quality of the roleplay.

I'll mention that I have an idea for the roleplaying section, which I now will take to the staff for discussion. If it gets put into action, it will hopefully encourage players to strive to improve their writing, and make roleplaying here a more pleasant experience for everybody.

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That makes a little more sense :)

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To expand on that example asper gave. In D&D and open world game design (Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout 3 ect) you have 2 roads for most encounters. An easy one which requires skill and thinking, and a hard way which is always open.

Let's say that there is a RP and you need info on a wanted criminal. If the ex-cop character calls in a favor form his police friend then you get the info quickly and are on your way. If the ex-cop doesn't do that, they will have to go out of their way to find the info they need, likely involving an ugly favour. This way, the right skills and playing in character will allow people to breese through certain areas, but always allow it to be possable.

A better example. In Fallout 3, you meet a guy who has info you need. You can either talk him out of it, but fail and you have to go into enemy terrotory to repair a satelite dish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A better example. In Fallout 3, you meet a guy who has info you need. You can either talk him out of it, but fail and you have to go into enemy terrotory to repair a satelite dish.

Or shoot him with your bb gun.  :lol:

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Okay, I honestly appreciate all the help you guys are trying to provide. But I can see what I was saying has somewhat confused you. Allow me to rephrase the question or statement. I need help, not on making an RP because I have a badass imagination lol, but I need help on keeping an RP going, because sometimes I can loose control of what's happening and kinda drift off. I've never really done an RP before but I've always wanted to.

Think of an interesting plotline and story that will keep players wanting to post more and to see what will happen. Also post something that will give everyone a chance of responding to it. For example, posting, 'Suddenly the enmies surrounded them and ambushed them from all sides' will make players in a sort of 'trapped' state. So instead, post, 'Suddenly a bomb exploded somewhere near.' Then that will give all players a chance to do what they desire or what is right for the situation

Permit side-stories, if some of the players want it. Stopping a side-story might make players lose interest. If you need them in action, just make a situation where they'll rejoin the main action going on.

That's all I can say for now.

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