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Beltino's name


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I've pondered the mystery of Beltino Toad's name.  His Japanese name is ?????? (Beruts'?no), but romanized as Beltino.  I kept wondering what kind of name Beltino was.  Italian?  Spanish?  ...Greek?  ...Bulgarian? XD Wild mass guessing usually fell flat when I googled.

But I just had an epiphany.  Even when Japanese designers choose a non-Japanese name, it's not uncommon for their colleagues to misspell it.  This is how Aerith becomes "Aeris", Bart becomes "Balto" (no relation to the half-wolf of the same name), etc.  But they can still get some of the details right ("Aeri" in "Aerith", for example).

On a hunch, I realized that the French name Bertineau is very close, and it's pronounced Bertsineau in Québec.  ...it's not the most solid lead ever imagined, but it's better than anything else I thought of thus far.  It seems to consider both the spelling (with just a "t") and the pronunciation (like /ts/).

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Well there's some Italian food joint down here named Beltino's so there ya' have it >_>

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Well there's some Italian food joint down here named Beltino's so there ya' have it >_>

Do you know anything about the name Beltino? :3 Still, it's strange how the Japanese name specifically has a /ts/ pronunciation, when the name is only spelled with a "t".  And no, it's not Beruch?no - the Japanese name is specifically spelled with kana that form "tsi" (big "tsu", little "i").

It's possible that "Beltino" could be a Woolseyism (different name that "sounds better" to the translator).  Beltino was introduced in the instruction manual for Star Fox 64, where Katarina had become "Katina", Fichina was botched as "Fortuna", etc.

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Do you know anything about the name Beltino? :3 Still, it's strange how the Japanese name specifically has a /ts/ pronunciation, when the name is only spelled with a "t".  And no, it's not Beruch?no - the Japanese name is specifically spelled with kana that form "tsi" (big "tsu", little "i").

It's possible that "Beltino" could be a Woolseyism (different name that "sounds better" to the translator).

I don't pay attention to the other SF characters besides the main ones <_<

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On a side note, I'd like to tell that Beltino was "commonly" used as Slippy father's name among the fandom way before it even appeared in the games.

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On a side note, I'd like to tell that Beltino was "commonly" used as Slippy father's name among the fandom way before it even appeared in the games.

He was mentioned in the SF64 manual. :P

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Guest Scorpion03

Have to say I always thought he was italian and the name does sound italian, although i doubt its an exact copy of a real name, rather something the designer liked the sound of.

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His name sounds Italian to me, I think his voice actor is Itailian too, right?

Yeah, 'Beltino' sounds rather cool if using

an Italian accent. :wink:

I've pondered the mystery of Beltino Toad's name.  His Japanese name is ?????? (Beruts'?no), but romanized as Beltino.  I kept wondering what kind of name Beltino was.  Italian?  Spanish?  ...Greek?  ...Bulgarian? XD Wild mass guessing usually fell flat when I googled.

But I just had an epiphany.  Even when Japanese designers choose a non-Japanese name, it's not uncommon for their colleagues to misspell it.  This is how Aerith becomes "Aeris", Bart becomes "Balto" (no relation to the half-wolf of the same name), etc.  But they can still get some of the details right ("Aeri" in "Aerith", for example).

On a hunch, I realized that the French name Bertineau is very close, and it's pronounced Bertsineau in Québec.  ...it's not the most solid lead ever imagined, but it's better than anything else I thought of thus far.  It seems to consider both the spelling (with just a "t") and the pronunciation (like /ts/).

Some of us allways miss those little details.

Cool thing you are around to help :lol:.

But but but but but but but but but but everything after SNES SF is bad, bad, bad!

So literally, you, FoXXX, the #1 Krystal fanboy

around, is saying: "Krystal is bad because she is

not in SNES SF".


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Beltino is made up, but its Italianesque. Its not the only made up name in the series, you know (Dengar, Oikonny, ect).

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Beltino is made up, but its Italianesque. Its not the only made up name in the series, you know (Dengar, Oikonny, ect).

Dengar comes from the Kansai regional accent of Japanese.

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Dengar comes from the Kansai regional accent of Japanese.

And in English it comes from Star Wars, soooo yeah.

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Yeah, I'm really not that enormous of a Star Wars fan.  It's mostly a series of movies everyone was watching when I was a little kid.  I was born in 1980.

I'm not either, I just enjoy poking into extra stuff like this.

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Yeah, I'm really not that enormous of a Star Wars fan.  It's mostly a series of movies everyone was watching when I was a little kid.  I was born in 1980.

Because if you aren't a fan of something, it can never be the origin of something?

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Guest Julius Quasar

Beltino is made up, but its Italianesque.


Dengar comes from the Kansai regional accent of Japanese.

And in English it comes from Star Wars, soooo yeah.

hmm...I didn't know that.

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Wiki has quite a lot of info on him, including a full background, random to say hes only a minor char.

He IS minor as far as the entire Star Wars mythos goes. Just another face in the crowd, just one with an extensive background.

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