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Fedora here.


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Hello whoever sees this. I am Fedora as my username says. A friend of mine told me about this forum and I decided to check it out, mainly for the Lylat Luxury Hotel. But who knows? I've liked Star Fox for a long time and I figured this is actually about time to join this kind of forum. A little about me then. I first played Star Fox 64 when I was in elementary school. It was a great game even for me back then, though I did suck at it. I'm pretty sure I improved since then but I'll still get my butt kicked in Multiplayer.... :hehe: So far, Assault stands as my favorite. *mumble stupid test of fear mumble* Lessee, I'm also a bit of a furry but not an extreme one. I like fantasy and sci-fi games quite a bit but, I don't like First Person Shooters. I picked up a bass guitar recently but still not a clue on how to play it. And, I guess I'm prone to a few mistakes. I tried registering earlier under my usual username, but the black magic known as a typo has squashed that I guess. Oh, well, made this one! All said, here I am!

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Ahh, you know, I happen to be part of that roleplay =P  May I ask who recommended this site to you?

And I'm Ris.  Nice to meet ya^^

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Welcome to SFO!  And to quote an old saying:  "All your Krystal are belong to us!" :P

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Thanks for your welcome guys! And Ris, Arashikage told me about this site. Funnily enough, I got HIM into Star Fox and HE got ME in to this site! :friends:

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Say if you need help with the bass just ask Redeemer,Braux, or Sylum since they all have basses  (I can't help. 6 and 12 stringer =P)

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Thanks! It's one of my favorite hats, the other being a student cap. I noticed your avatar is from Hetalia, right? A friend of mine likes that series but I haven't read/seen it myself.

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:welcome: to the forum!

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Welcome to SF-O!  Hope you enjoy your stay!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings, and welcome to SF-O Fedora.Smile-2.gif

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:welcome: to SF-O! Fedora's are awesome aren't they :D

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