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fox fan art

Guest panfox_mccloud

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Guest panfox_mccloud

hi everybody , im newby so this is my first topic heres some fan art , y hope that you like it





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Not bad. Those are pretty good. The Mario-Fox one scared me, however. *Shudder*

5/5 for someone who says they're new, great job, and keep it up.

OMG, you made that last one in photoshop? I've got an adobe version, but just haven't installed it yet. *adds to his to do list*

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I know someone who will be very happy about this topic...

... nice pictures by the way, bro.

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  • 4 months later...

Looks great. I especially like the Urban one, one is still trying to load on this useless laptop (My screen cracked so I got a swapout while mine is in repair) ..............wait for it................... oohh looks good! very good job

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old thread. Please check the date before you reply.

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