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Heya, I have been hearing some people play D&D, and I was curious about everyone else. I do play D&D, not that often, but I know the rules quite well. My favorite edition is 3.5 (I hate 4.0) and use a point buy system, that uses 3.5 rules, called Eclipse.

(PS: If this sorta thread has been made, please tell so I can delete it, or an Admin can lock it. And sorry if that is the case.)

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I run a 4th edition game (I believe 4e is easiest to run and play, but not as interesting as 3.5e/Pathfinder. Also the combats take a LOT longer than necessary) every Sunday. My group (Frostblight) and I just finished H3: Pyramid of Shadows. We skipped to the end so we could play Tomb of Horrors next week.

My group consists of an Eladrin Ranger, Human Paladin, Human (IIRC) Fighter, Razorclaw Shifter Rouge, and Changeling Seeker. Not all of them show up at the same time most of the time and I have Tenko (Kitsune Ranger) as backup should thing get a little too hectic.

Frostblight has its own website and forum, so if you're interested, I can PM the link since advertising is illegal on SFO.

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I got my Shadowrun 3rd Edition

book(s) sometime ago. Did had

a chance to put them to use, but

they are interesting to read, still.

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I run a 4th edition game (I believe 4e is easiest to run and play, but not as interesting as 3.5e/Pathfinder. Also the combats take a LOT longer than necessary) every Sunday. My group (Frostblight) and I just finished H3: Pyramid of Shadows. We skipped to the end so we could play Tomb of Horrors next week.

My group consists of an Eladrin Ranger, Human Paladin, Human (IIRC) Fighter, Razorclaw Shifter Rouge, and Changeling Seeker. Not all of them show up at the same time most of the time and I have Tenko (Kitsune Ranger) as backup should thing get a little too hectic.

Frostblight has its own website and forum, so if you're interested, I can PM the link since advertising is illegal on SFO.

Cool! Kitsune's are probably my favorite race in there! :) And sure, go ahead!

I got my Shadowrun 3rd Edition

book(s) sometime ago. Did had

a chance to put them to use, but

they are interesting to read, still.

I would have to say, I really like Shadow Run. I have only played it once or twice at a convention, but if I could get people near me to play it, I would so do it! :)

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I would have to say, I really like Shadow Run. I have only played it once or twice at a convention, but if I could get people near me to play it, I would so do it! :)

Yeah, me too. Not Shadowrun 4th edition,

however. It made many stuff from the

previous editions incompatible with it (so

'porting' characters was an issue) plus it

had a different magic system that kind-of


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Only problem is that the Kitsune race isn't published by Wizards of the Coast. It was, however, published in Kobold Quarterly Magazine.

And I'll send the PM at you, per request.

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Yeah, me too. Not Shadowrun 4th edition,

however. It made many stuff from the

previous editions incompatible with it (so

'porting' characters was an issue) plus it

had a different magic system that kind-of


Yeah, the 4thE of Shadow run I personally didn't like. :( I don't know, it's probably just some few that dislike it. 3E, I liked MUCH more.

Only problem is that the Kitsune race isn't published by Wizards of the Coast. It was, however, published in Kobold Quarterly Magazine.

I know! I have played in a few 4thE and each one of the DM's allowed them (THANK GOD!). I play with a lot of relaxed people. Hell, we once played a game where everyone had a custom race that they made themselves. I was a Moogle... It was kinda of awesome, I only said "Kupo", but had a ring of prestidigitation so I spoke in sub-titles!  :lol:

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In my game, I am relaxed about custom content as well. Heck, I even gave each of my PC's a custom daily attack power. And speaking in subtitles has to be freaking awesome. I need to think about doing that some day. Thanks for the idea.

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No worries! :D A great way to mess with that is.... (And yes, I was faced with these problems)

A) Trying to talk to a blind man. (OMG that day sucked.)

B) Having someone steal your ring while you sleep, giving you a fake ring, and when you talk, they put different words in. (Since I was an assassin, the stupid mage who stole it got a LOT of guards to attack me... I death attacked that mage later on though. :D)

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Yeah, the 4thE of Shadow run I personally didn't like. :( I don't know, it's probably just some few that dislike it. 3E, I liked MUCH more.

Yeah, me too. 4th Edition

has the worst reviews for

a reason... :roll: .

Also, Deckér characters - one

of the classes that made the

game so succesfull - was made

obsolete in 4th Edition.

I mean, it was as if they wanted

to make the game 'more realistic',

but they kind-of ruined it in the

process... :facepalm:

I know! I have played in a few 4thE and each one of the DM's allowed them (THANK GOD!). I play with a lot of relaxed people. Hell, we once played a game where everyone had a custom race that they made themselves. I was a Moogle... It was kinda of awesome, I only said "Kupo", but had a ring of prestidigitation so I spoke in sub-titles!  :lol:


Also, how about we make our own Role-Playing

game? I mean, there is even an Star Flight and

a Jurassic Park roleplaying game!

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Also, how about we make our own Role-Playing

game? I mean, there is even an Star Flight and

a Jurassic Park roleplaying game!

Hells yes! That sounds amazing! Lol

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Should you guys decide to do that, I'd move it to another thread, so we don't get yelled at.

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Hells yes! That sounds amazing! Lol

I am [rather] serious about it.

I mean, we know quite a bit

about Star Fox, and it has a good

mix of races. The equipment part

would not be so hard, as lasers

would pretty much work out like

'arrows' in a standard D&D (except

they require no ammo. Maybe some


I am not sure if we should some sort

of 'magic/psych' into it. I mean, we have

Krystal, Sauria/Cerinia and stuff, but

I am not sure how to implement it.

Should you guys decide to do that, I'd move it to another thread, so we don't get yelled at.

Oh, ok.

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You could have a magic item rather like Krystal's staff.

Then you could branch from there.

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You could have a magic item rather like Krystal's staff.

Then you could branch from there.

Well, that could [mostly] solve the problem.

What about telephaty? I mean, we all know

Krystal has it.

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It could be part of a character class: a Telepath  :lol:

It could mean near unrivaled insight (sense motive), but the ability to read minds would probably be overpowered. You could attack the mind, such as filling it with noise, much like the Psionic from D&D.

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It could be part of a character class: a Telepath  :lol:

It could mean near unrivaled insight (sense motive), but the ability to read minds would probably be overpowered. You could attack the mind, such as filling it with noise, much like the Psionic from D&D.

Yeah. Maybe some stuff or races

are inmune to it? I mean, I see Krystal

having a difficult time reading ROB's mind. :lol:

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Yeah, I doubt that robots have actual minds.

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Yeah, I doubt that robots have actual minds.

Well being an Extropian, I find

that debatable, however, not being

this the place to, I suppose we

can agree that telephats can not

read the 'CPU' of a robot.

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Well, they might, but they will get a bunch of random code that he/she can take a feat to help translate.

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Well, they might, but they will get a bunch of random code that he/she can take a feat to help translate.

Er... Whad?

[Lack of USA English]

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I am [rather] serious about it.

I mean, we know quite a bit

about Star Fox, and it has a good

mix of races. The equipment part

would not be so hard, as lasers

would pretty much work out like

'arrows' in a standard D&D (except

they require no ammo. Maybe some


I am not sure if we should some sort

of 'magic/psych' into it. I mean, we have

Krystal, Sauria/Cerinia and stuff, but

I am not sure how to implement it.Oh, ok.

I actually have rules and guides on stuff with intergalactic weaponry, spacecraft (Although for a game I would want to avoid space battles, for they can get confusing). And, if we chose not to use the psionic stuff, there is an actuall 'Pshychic' class based off skills. Essentialy, you become a psychic for class, and get tons of bonus feats and 6+int skills per lvl. With your feats, you can take psychic feats that allow you to take skills under that specific tree. Take Krystal's telepathy for example. You take the feat 'Telepathy' then you can take skills under that feild, such as: Mental contact (Talking to people through minds), Mind Reading, and to such extreme's as mental illusions and easing someone's mind into sleep (there are Many more under telepathy, and many more feats.) I know it sounds confusing, but it is actually something I use a lot, Even if my character isn't under the psychic class (Which means I can only take them as cross class and need to take an extra feat). So as you could imagine, strength of the abilities is really bassed off ranks and/or total mod, and they are unlimited use, just you take some non-leather dmg when using one. VERY confusing, but I would assume if chose to use it, I would be the one taking care of it. But then again, Psionics is a bit simpler, and I know also quite as well. And if we can get a, oh what's the word, HYPER idea, yeah, I'll be serious.

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I actually have rules and guides on stuff with intergalactic weaponry, spacecraft (Although for a game I would want to avoid space battles, for they can get confusing). And, if we chose not to use the psionic stuff, there is an actuall 'Pshychic' class based off skills. Essentialy, you become a psychic for class, and get tons of bonus feats and 6+int skills per lvl. With your feats, you can take psychic feats that allow you to take skills under that specific tree. Take Krystal's telepathy for example. You take the feat 'Telepathy' then you can take skills under that feild, such as: Mental contact (Talking to people through minds), Mind Reading, and to such extreme's as mental illusions and easing someone's mind into sleep (there are Many more under telepathy, and many more feats.) I know it sounds confusing, but it is actually something I use a lot, Even if my character isn't under the psychic class (Which means I can only take them as cross class and need to take an extra feat). So as you could imagine, strength of the abilities is really bassed off ranks and/or total mod, and they are unlimited use, just you take some non-leather dmg when using one. VERY confusing, but I would assume if chose to use it, I would be the one taking care of it. But then again, Psionics is a bit simpler, and I know also quite as well. And if we can get a, oh what's the word, [shadow=green,left]HYPER[/shadow] idea, yeah, I'll be serious.

Fixed. :lol:

But yeah, the feat and stuff seem interesting.

About vehicles and such, I think I like a lot the

'Rigger' class from Shadowrun. Perhaps we can

have some sort of cyber-enhanchements? (A la

Wolf, cyber-patch, or like that). If no, then can

an Advanced robot gain control of vehicles (if

he/she/it can 'connect' to it first, of course.)

As for races, I think there is already a good deal

of races to choose from. Mostly anthro animals,

althrough robots can also count, I think.

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Er... Whad?

[Lack of USA English]

What do you mean? I am meaning that a lot of random numbers and stuff go through a computer's mind. This is known as code, what makes computers function. A telepath can see that, but he/she can't make any sense of it.

Yeah, I agree with the vehicles concept, needing skill points and feats to help pilot them efficiently. Also, cybernetic enhancements could work, being quite expensive, can increase stats, skills, adding feats, etc.

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