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Professer Layton And Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright Crossover?!


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Details of it are here: http://www.gamespot.com/3ds/puzzle/laytonkyoujuvsgyakutensaiban/news.html?sid=6282466

Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright follows the titular characters after they have been mysteriously transported to "a surreal medieval city." There, the two will work together to sleuth their way through logic puzzles while also figuring out the game's overarching mystery. Other leading characters from both series will also make appearances in the game.

While the greater detective has yet to be seen, Capcom and Level-5 did provide insight as to why Hershel Layton's name appears first on the game's moniker. Since Level-5's trench-coated detective debuted in February 2007, the series has sold more than 9.5 million units worldwide. That figure is likely to continue growing by a substantial rate, thanks to the well-regarded Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, which released in the US last month.

As for Phoenix Wright, Capcom said that its Ace Attorney series of logic-based courtroom dramas has sold 3.9 million units. The first installment in the franchise went on sale in October 2001. In February, Capcom released the spin-off title Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth to a strong critical reception.

Youtube Video Here: The original video is in Japanese, but has been subbed

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I have Never played the game, just posting it to see if others would like to know :D

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the music with the tailor is simply cool

this looks like 100% sweetness in a cartridge right here

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  • 2 weeks later...

Professor layton + Phoenix Wright = EPIC WIN!

Beat me to it.

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