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Include general debate in the Pub?


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So I'm a pretty debatey guy, and was told by one of the adminsĀ  that I should probably keep my shenanigans to the pub. This is all great and all, but the pub is for politics, religion, etc. and not the sort of things I usually get into. One of my topics was moved to the veiwer discretion advised, which also shuts out most of the board. Hence, my suggestion of the Pub becoming a place not only of serious mature discussion on mature subject, but a general debate platform.

Yes/no? =D

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why not? i see no reason why people cant argue like mature human beings. so yes. that would be lovely

Tyrannis holds.


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I believe it would need to be monitored more, seeing as that would mean the younger members/less mature ones would have access to it.

Not only so that they don't get snapped at, or feel hurt, but also for just making bad/non-thought through arguments. but then again, I don't have access to the pub, so i wouldn't know. *Shrug*

You need to be 18 to get access, right?

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The pub is an optional region of the board accessed through your profile information. Quite an ingenius system, those it's not intended for really can't unlock it without knowing what they are getting into, and it doesn't seal off any of the population by being available to anyone regardless of age.

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I moved it to the mature board while I decide how I want to handle it.

I don't want the pub to become "mature board lite," which is basically what you are proposing.

To be honest, I'd like debates like that one to be in the public discussion so that anyone, regardless of feelings on politics, can participate. The issue with that is that once debate gets going, people start crying "flame war!" and one of the mods locks it.

One idea I have is to tag a thread [DEBATE] in the title, which means that debate is encouraged. If you don't want debate, you have a warning.

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I moved it to the mature board while I decide how I want to handle it.

I don't want the pub to become "mature board lite," which is basically what you are proposing.

To be honest, I'd like debates like that one to be in the public discussion so that anyone, regardless of feelings on politics, can participate. The issue with that is that once debate gets going, people start crying "flame war!" and one of the mods locks it.

One idea I have is to tag a thread [DEBATE] in the title, which means that debate is encouraged. If you don't want debate, you have a warning.

Yeah, that does happen a lot, with people crying flame war. That tag idea sounds fair as long as people are willing to edit the tag in for debates that just spawned in there, or something. >.>

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I think as long as it stays clean, the pub should includ general debate. Face it, a lot of topics have off topic "conversations" in them. Why not have an area where debate is the main subject? Of course, this means that it would constantly have to be checked for overage content, but at least users could have a place to duel it out it in a place meant for doing just that.

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