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Veteran's Day


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It is Veteran's Day here in the US, so I would Like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the members of SF-O that are in the Armed Forces, they are making the sacrifices to keep America/ or their own countries safe. This is a Thank you thread To those members, even though Veteran's Day is here in the States, but I felt that it should be spread to all of the members

Such as:


Asper Sarnoff



and other's. ( I am sorry If I have missed you)

For that We thank you for your service to this country, or to your own. God Bless Y'all

This is not a thread for arguments, debates, or silly, or hateful comments of the Armed Forces. If you have any of these thoughts, leave it outside of this thread......

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In Canada (or at least in Victoria) we call it remembrance day. Lucky me, I get to wake up early then get ready really fast then go to a meting place then take part in a very long ceremony celebrating it, yay. It's actually a pretty big honor for me though.

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I forgot, you are in the military right?

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I forgot, you are in the military right?

Yeah but I'm not going into service anytime soon, at least I don't think so.
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dude this is serious to a lot of us....get your trolling arse out of here!!!

and sorry......Thank you to everyone in the military, braver then all

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Maybe, but I'm not trolling, I honestly believe that all these days dedicated to every armed force is getting rediculous. They made their choice. I shouldn't have to grind to a halt every month or so.

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Irrelivent. Dying in volentery service is to be expected.

Just wait until you have a few more wars under your belt. You (or at least I) will soon get sick of them.

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Sabre my step-grandfather was the only survivor of his Platoon in Vietnam.

Good for him, the US shouldn't have been in Vietnam anyway. Well I just got back from the seals parade, it was interesting. The gunshots actually shook the windows of  the nearby buildings.
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In Canada (or at least in Victoria) we call it remembrance day. Lucky me, I get to wake up early then get ready really fast then go to a meting place then take part in a very long ceremony celebrating it, yay. It's actually a pretty big honor for me though.

Its called Armstice Day in the UK, I think. Names names names!

Maybe, but I'm not trolling, I honestly believe that all these days dedicated to every armed force is getting rediculous. They made their choice. I shouldn't have to grind to a halt every month or so.

Yeah, like everyone else said, there's TWO. Memorial Day is for the dead, Veterans is for the living (and sometimes the dead). Both have ramifications: Veterans Day marks the day WWI ended (a big event if you ask me), Memorial Day is more American-based, being originally for the US Civil War.

Go complain about something more substantial than holidays, son.

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My grandfather's birthday is today actually. He survived an explosion from  a landmine when he served in Vietnam. It did however leave him with several pieces of metal shrapnel wedged in his back, to this day they still can't be removed. Every time I asked him "how do you think you survived?" he would answer, "I guess I just got lucky." I'd say so, considering his whole unit got wiped out in the explosion.

Happy Birthday Pepe'!  :bday:

And to all those who died protecting this country, Hojk ad fouso...0ei  tojohlo ak.

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Yeah, like everyone else said, there's TWO. Memorial Day is for the dead, Veterans is for the living (and sometimes the dead). Both have ramifications: Veterans Day marks the day WWI ended (a big event if you ask me), Memorial Day is more American-based, being originally for the US Civil War.

Go complain about something more substantial than holidays, son.

Damn straight! I have multiple relatives who were involved in WWII, one of em almost DIED, and a cousin who is a retired marine. And I'm proud to be related to them!

Anyway, at my college campus, they had trumpeters put at random spots around campus and they were playing taps, it's like it was echoing through the air. And I thought it sounded very beautiful.

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Damn straight! I have multiple relatives who were involved in WWII, one of em almost DIED, and a cousin who is a retired marine. And I'm proud to be related to them!

Anyway, at my college campus, they had trumpeters put at random spots around campus and they were playing taps, it's like it was echoing through the air. And I thought it sounded very beautiful.

I wish my campus did that......

Everytime I listen to Taps, it sends chills down my spine, In a good way.

When someone plays TAPS just right, it really sounds eerie and ominous, in a respectful way for our Veterans

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Yeah, I remember the September 11th anniversery going on when I was in boot camp. They had a moment of silence, then Taps was being played over the 1MC (intercom system) I literally cried over that. All it took was a simple thirty-second long tune.

Sabre, you need to get a heart. A real one.

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Yeah, but without the American Military (and others, I know) the world would be totally screwed up.

Then again, wouldn't all the terrorist activity not be happening if we weren't there?

I dunno. I'm stuck on this :( I'm going to stop to avoid sparking something. We don't want another fight here.

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The American military also has done a lot of stupid things, too. But that's no fault of the soldier's, and is more like an administration durr.

But that isn't the point. :| Civil discussion! We can have them!

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My grandfather was a surgeon in World War 2, holding the rank of Major and as such he was often far back from the front lines doing emergency operations close to battle zones I think.

My other grandfather on my mom's side didn't see any action because on the train on the way to the port in Halifax to sail for Europe he got a severe sickness of some sort and couldn't serve as a result.  If he had died then neither my mother or myself would have been born. :/

Hey. It's his opinion, don't hate. Having an opinion is not trolling.

He's not hating on ya'll.

While this might be true considering many people lost parents, grandparents in wars, the fact that it's Remembrance Day (Veterans day), AND that we just had an entire drama filled day which turned off a lot of people I still think it's in the best interests of everyone in this topic to be sensitive to the whole ordeal.  Throwing around things like "I don't care" even if there is no trolling intention or what not, really isn't appropriate either way.  Please people... :/

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My grandfather was a surgeon in World War 2, holding the rank of Major and as such he was often far back from the front lines doing emergency operations close to battle zones I think.

My other grandfather on my mom's side didn't see any action because on the train on the way to the port in Halifax to sail for Europe he got a severe sickness of some sort and couldn't serve as a result.  If he had died then neither my mother or myself would have been born. :/

While this might be true considering many people lost parents, grandparents in wars, the fact that it's Remembrance Day, AND that we just had an entire drama filled day which turned off a lot of people I still think it's in the best interests of everyone in this topic to be sensitive to the whole ordeal.  Throwing around things like "I don't care" even if there is no trolling intention or what not, really isn't appropriate either way.  Please people... :/

My grandfather served in WWII in Japan after the bombings, I'm plenty sensitive, but this isn't about me. I just like giving people a chance to express their opinions too without being attacked. But he seems to be done, he explained his opinion. :) So no harm done.

EDIT: That came out wrong. Think of those comments as two separate things, haha. My bad.

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If you don't care, then don't post. This is a topic for honoring veteran, not debating the holiday in their honor thats about 100 years old.

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The American military also has done a lot of stupid things, too. But that's no fault of the soldier's, and is more like an administration durr.

But that isn't the point. :| Civil discussion! We can have them!

I have to wholeheartedly agree with this one, and she's right, that's no fault of the soldiers!

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It is Veteran's Day here in the US, so I would Like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the members of SF-O that are in the Armed Forces, they are making the sacrifices to keep America/ or their own countries safe. This is a Thank you thread To those members, even though Veteran's Day is here in the States, but I felt that it should be spread to all of the members

Such as:


Asper Sarnoff



and other's. ( I am sorry If I have missed you)

For that We thank you for your service to this country, or to your own. God Bless Y'all

This is not a thread for arguments, debates, or silly, or hateful comments of the Armed Forces. If you have any of these thoughts, leave it outside of this thread......

Thanks a lot FoxMccloud. Highly appreciated.

While Veteran's Day's a couple of days gone, I'd like to salute all those who have or are currently serving in their country's armed forces, all around the globe. It's easy for the ignorant to trivialize your efforts and actions, but know that I, and I'm sure several others as well, view you all as heroes.

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Ugh. One of my recently developed pet peeves is getting thanked for something I haven't done yet.  :lol:

Sure being just out of boot camp and already you have people coming up to you and saying thanks for your service feels nice, but at the same time, I feel kind of bad in a weird way  :?

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