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I have returned

Harmony Descent

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Hello, members of Starfox-Online.  All of you may know who I am; some of you may not.  Anyways, I left this site prematurely (Meaning I didn't mean to delete my account because I was in RAAAAAAAAGE *Hypothetically speaking*) because I was being overwelmed by the shear atmosphere of the site and all of the incidents I was getting myself into.  So, I took a month to two month break from the site to see if I could get my mind off of it and Redeemer happened to be speaking to me on Skype, and pushed me into returning to Starfox-Online. 

In further contempts, you should thank her from persuading me into returning and giving the site another chance.  I believe this site can become VERY popular.

Without further to do, I am back lol

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I honestly was beginning to wonder what had happened to you. Seeing as your postings had disappeared, but it is good to have you back


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SFO is not the same without you. Welcome back. :)

I think that things will calm down once all of the tension has blown over.

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Ah the honorable Harmony Descent. Welcome back to the site, we have been expecting you.

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Love your avatar, by the way, Mr. Nintendo :wink:

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so does this mean we can restart  Starzone liberation?

Welcome back.

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It you really have the urge and pashion to recontinue it, I can ask for it.

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With out reedemer here Testosteron levels get to high this cause what we no as a flame war  :lol:

But, things seem to have quited down.

Yes, I have seen this, but there are still some miniature sparks here and there that I am fully aware of.  Thanks for the heads up, though :wink:

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Welcome back, man. Now if we can get Julius back the site may get to be like it used to a bit. At least for me, anyway.

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Welcome back, man. Now if we can get Julius back the site may get to be like it used to a bit. At least for me, anyway.

He WAS rethinking about joining back, but I am not entirely sure if he is going along with this compromise.

I know we never met before but then welcome back.

Always great to hear from a friendly face :)  Thank you

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He WAS rethinking about joining back, but I am not entirely sure if he is going along with this compromise.

Always great to hear from a friendly face :)  Thank you

JUilius sadly has a bit of a problem with authority and considering his present conditon and his parents I can't blame him. So yeah

Anyway yes I would enjoy brinign back up starzone for roleplaying.

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With out reedemer here Testosteron levels get to high this cause what we no as a flame war  :lol:

But, things seem to have quited down.

HAHA, oh man, this post made my day. :D  :friends:

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With out reedemer here Testosteron levels get to high this cause what we no as a flame war  :lol:

She balances it out with estrogen, that's why she's needed. :P

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She balances it out with estrogen, that's why she's needed. :P

Because all I put out is a freaky testosterone/estrogen hybrid. It's useless in maintaining equilibrium.

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Because all I put out is a freaky testosterone/estrogen hybrid. It's useless in maintaining equilibrium.

Nah, you and I combined, we're the Estrogen Sisters! Awaaaaaay! *flies off*

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*Rubs dust out of eyes*

HARMONY!!!! :D  Good to see you back! :P

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I am chuckling to myself from the last few comments lol

Kursed, would you want to start it from Starzone Liberation 1 or 2?

Thank you, crazy lol  It feels quite good to have returned  :lol:

To all referring to bodily reproductive cells:  Then I must be the Hormone Commando!

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