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So its about that time of year again, today was our first major snowstorm, we ended up with 3 inches of the stuff. We usually get storms like this in October.

I remembered while shoveling today, a time when I actually felt fear of the snow, crazy I know...  :lol:

I was about 9 and we had this enormous blizzard, leaving almost a 2 or so feet. So when it cleared out we had to shovel. (A process that easily took 3 hours.)

Anyways, we had a garage under the house, and our car in front of it. Well half of our car was filled, easily with 2 or more feet, I had the brilliant idea of trying to get some of that snow off of it, as I leaned over the edge to clear some off the hood, I started to slip (ice) and smartly, fell backwards.

Having alot of snow gear on isn't very flexible, and with a consistancy of half powder, half packed, I was stuck laying on my back, moving wasn't that easy.

I finally grabbed a fixture that held an overhead light, I pulled myself up, but I was at least out there for 5 minutes, MP3 player going. Nobody could hear me since they all were inside, I was scared out of my mind at the time, but I laugh at the thought now.

So, discuss snow here:

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This'll sound kinda freaky with you getting Snow now, but here at my college in Springfield Missouri, we just had a tornado and a freak thunderstorm roll through today, they forced us down into the dorm basement and everything!

Normally there should be snow on the ground here by now from what I've heard! O_o

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Haven't seen snow up close in... I'd say a good 13 years, at least.

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This'll sound kinda freaky with you getting Snow now, but here at my college in Springfield Missouri, we just had a tornado and a freak thunderstorm roll through today, they forced us down into the dorm basement and everything!

Normally there should be snow on the ground here by now from what I've heard! O_o

Wow, I heard of weird weather here in SD, but man, that beats it...

Haven't seen snow up close in... I'd say a good 13 years, at least.

Living in the bahamas or something? XP

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Living in the bahamas or something? XP

SoCal, and hating every minute of it.

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well, thats global cooling or...whatever they csll it now for you! ^_^

(i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE SNOW!. i havent seen it or touched it for a looong time though.....mabye one day ill do so again....we'll see abou that....)

Good to hear you like though :yes:

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As soon as I left the house this morning, literally the very second I left, it started snowing. It stopped now but it hasn't snowed since spring break of last year. And that doesn't even make sense.

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As soon as I left the house this morning, literally the very second I left, it started snowing. It stopped now but it hasn't snowed since spring break of last year. And that doesn't even make sense.

well, this an ever-changing world we live on; sometime we must ty to expect the unexpected.....
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I like snow but I always fall over. I do think it's a beautiful weather form, and I love Christmas. Snow makes me want Christmas. :D

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I like snow but I always fall over. I do think it's a beautiful weather form, and I love Christmas. Snow makes me want Christmas. :D

Me too, shame it isn't coming for a month and a few days.
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At first, when I was younger, I loved the idea of snow in my country.

O-Rly, I L0/3D it. It would be nice to play on the snow, right? It would be nice

to make snowpeoples, right?

... ... ...

Oh man, how wrong were I! The cold! I CAN NOT STAND THE COLD!

It hurts me like you have no idea!...

I mean, I like the white. But why the F*** it had to snow DURING SCHOOL TERM??

Those pesky idiots at the school, allways "you have to come to school no matter what",

I catched two or three colds just because of it! Duh!...


So well, negativity aside, I have nothing against snow. But I do not want it to 'come'.

I want to be able to 'go' to a place with snow. But please, Mr. Cool, stay out of my country.

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Thus it is a real good thing I live in Minne-snow-ta  :lol:

Too bad it hasn't snowed much yet  :?

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Fun fact about snow. It hates the Dutch, and the feeling is very much mutual.XD-2.gif

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