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PC against MAC?


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PCs play many, many more games.

MACs have less viruses for them, which while being more expensive means you probably won't have to repair it a lot if at all.

So the debate is moot and really depends on what the hell you want. Want a rig to game? Stay away from macs. Want a reliable office tool? Consider a mac.

All the cool kids have both on one system anyhow.

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I honestly don't see why a Mac is more appealing, other than aesthetics......so many programs haven't been coded for it.  I've always been on a PC, and will always be too :lol:

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I plan on trying to get a good Mac for college, but I still prefer PC simply because I like gaming. It's basically just like Milky said. Macs are office tools, PCs are gaming consoles.

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Personally, I've used both and find PC's so much easier to use.

IDK, probably cuz I was raised on PC k_e_animesweat.gif

It just seems, in my experience, that on a Mac everything is hidden in some kind of menu; on PC it is easier to access stuff. 

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I love PC's, but honestly, so long as I can go on sites, type up documents, and do that sorta stuff, I don't care.

I stick with PC's as I prefer to game on them. Lol

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I do enjoy Mac's humorous Commercials, but I do believe P.C.s are better for the creative user, and the Office user.

I mean Mac's, they seem great, but thats cause when you buy a mac, there is no cheap Mac, you have to buy an expensive one. when people buy P.C.'s, they often buy them cheap, because cheap P.C.'s are actually accessable, but has anyone here spent the amount of money you'd spend on a Mac on a P.C? It's incredible!!!

I guess Mac's are O.K. if you don't know how to use a computer, cause they have an O.K. program for pretty well everything you'd need at the bottum task bar, so you can just click on those and not worry about anything. Also, I like Mac keyboards, and their ability to transfer files from one to the other easily.


All the cool kids have both on one system anyhow.

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i prefer the good ol Pc ; im kind of an old fashioned guy at times. I would nt want a mac per say because im happy wit the pc ive got right now, and most macs are laptops-and i dislike laptops for a nimber of reasons. That, and arent mac memeory spaces...smaller or something?

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I'm a Mac person. I'm not really into PC games and I usually do creative things on my spare time. And plus, if I'm going into a career later on that involves graphics, then it looks like I made the right choice.

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Want a reliable office tool? Consider a mac.

It's basically just like Milky said. Macs are office tools, PCs are gaming consoles.

Since when are Macs "office tools?" I've worked in three business environments. Only 1 had some Macs, and they are trying to phase them out. Only ones left are used by whiny Mac fanboys.

If you want a laptop to take notes on in school, save your money and buy a Windows machine. You gain nothing by using an over-priced Mac. Unless you like clicking on 17 different things to do something simple like open a terminal window.

Macs are used more by creative professionals, but that is mainly due to tradition. It started because when Amiga went under, Macs were the next best alternative as the Wintel machines of the 90s weren't as powerful as the Amigas or the Macs. Nowadays, pretty much anything you can do creative-wise on a Mac can be done just as well on a Windows PC. For example, not one note of my music has ever been written on a Mac.

I prefer PC's personally, though mac does make some quality products.

Apple's products are made by Foxconn, as are Dell's and HP's.

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Macs are used more by creative professionals, but that is mainly due to tradition. It started because when Amiga went under, Macs were the next best alternative as the Wintel machines of the 90s weren't as powerful as the Amigas or the Macs. Nowadays, pretty much anything you can do creative-wise on a Mac can be done just as well on a Windows PC. For example, not one note of my music has ever been written on a Mac.

Well then. I suppose the question now is "do you like smooth, expensive, shiny things" on whether to get a mac or not.

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Guest F0xmccl0ud

Apple's products are made by Foxconn, as are Dell's and HP's.

yes that is true, but they do take more time to test the quality of their products, and example of poor quality testing would be HP's DV series, nicked name where I live the "dead video series" they didn't test the stress of the laptop enough while carrying a large workload over time, and in turn had a big problem.

I believe if it shows up at the shop too many times, then its not a good laptop. which is why I made my original statement about the quality of macs. And on a side note HP never did a recall on that series nor did they treat their customers very well.

All of this is just an observation I have made through the years, and don't get me wrong I currently own a Compaq (HP) laptop and enjoy the quality very much for the price.

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Since when are Macs "office tools?" I've worked in three business environments. Only 1 had some Macs, and they are trying to phase them out. Only ones left are used by whiny Mac fanboys.

If you want a laptop to take notes on in school, save your money and buy a Windows machine. You gain nothing by using an over-priced Mac. Unless you like clicking on 17 different things to do something simple like open a terminal window.

Macs are used more by creative professionals, but that is mainly due to tradition. It started because when Amiga went under, Macs were the next best alternative as the Wintel machines of the 90s weren't as powerful as the Amigas or the Macs. Nowadays, pretty much anything you can do creative-wise on a Mac can be done just as well on a Windows PC. For example, not one note of my music has ever been written on a Mac.

Apple's products are made by Foxconn, as are Dell's and HP's.

Well excuuuuuse us, princess! Not our fault we mindlessly believed all the propaganda thrown our way without actually checking to see if it was true. :P

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I'm a Windows man, and I must point this out at all costs, it's one of those little bothers to me

PC stands for Personal Computer, not Windows, both are PCs.  The only reason the commercial used the term "PC" is because directly addressing it as Windows is a bad idea.

I find Windows to be better, mainly since I've always used it, and the first time I ever tried to make an iMovie project on Max OSX for these one-day camps in Iowa City, the program crashed and I lost the whole project, good luck finding out what happened, you'll ask what's wrong with your Mac, and you'll end up with someone saying "What Problem? It's a Mac." 

Gaming wise, It took Valve YEARS to start making Mac versions of games, and the Mac users whined when Valve cared to do it and there were bugs.  You get too used to working in an apparently flawless environment, if you have a problem, it's the end of the world to you.

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I'm a Windows man, and I must point this out at all costs, it's one of those little bothers to me

PC stands for Personal Computer, not Windows, both are PCs.  The only reason the commercial used the term "PC" is because directly addressing it as Windows is a bad idea.

I find Windows to be better, mainly since I've always used it, and the first time I ever tried to make an iMovie project on Max OSX for these one-day camps in Iowa City, the program crashed and I lost the whole project, good luck finding out what happened, you'll ask what's wrong with your Mac, and you'll end up with someone saying "What Problem? It's a Mac." 

Gaming wise, It took Valve YEARS to start making Mac versions of games, and the Mac users whined when Valve cared to do it and there were bugs.  You get too used to working in an apparently flawless environment, if you have a problem, it's the end of the world to you.

oh crud...i use a windows 7 thingie...not a "pc"
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In b4 Linux enthusiast decries both!

But to answer the question from my perspective, I prefer the ability to mess with PCs' hardware and switch parts in and out. If something goes wrong on a PC, you can switch it out yourself without much difficulty or expense. On a Mac, if something goes wrong with the hardware, you have to send it to a specialist to take apart and fix.I kept a Windows machine I bought at Wal-Mart alive for seven years because I turned it into a Franken-computer. Can't do that on a Mac. :D

I've used plenty of both, having been at schools that use Macs primarily, but owning PCs all my life. They have their positives and negatives, but as has been said before it's mostly a matter of aesthetic preference. You can get stuff done on either, especially if you're a casual computer owner.

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Copy and Paste DZs responce. One myth is that macs are more stable, faster, ect. It's like Halo and Call of Duty. The multiplayer is no worse then any other game, but sheer brute force of users will eventually find the cracks.

To expand on DZs fanboy statement. I have never known anyone who owns a Mac (with the exception of the iPhone) that wasn't a complete and utter tosser who wouldn't shut up about it.

As Charlie Brooker said

"I hate Macs. I have always hated Macs. I hate people who use Macs. I even hate people who don't use Macs but sometimes wish they did. Macs are glorified Fisher-Price activity centres for adults; computers for scaredy cats too nervous to learn how proper computers work; computers for people who earnestly believe in feng shui."

"If the ads were really honest, [Mac] would be dressed in unbelievably po-faced avant-garde clothing with a gigantic glowing apple on his back. And instead of conducting a proper conversation, he would be repeatedly congratulating himself for looking so cool, and banging on about how he was going to use his new laptop to write a novel, without ever getting round to doing it, like a mediocre idiot."

"I just hope buying a MacBook won't turn me into an iPrick. I want a machine that essentially makes itself invisible, not a rectangular bragging stone. If, 10 minutes after buying it, I start burbling on about how it's left me more fulfilled as a human being, or find myself perched at a tiny Starbucks table stroking its glowing Apple with one hand while demonstratively tapping away with the other in the hope that passersby will assume I'm working on a screenplay, it's going straight in the bin.

The iBin. Complete with built-in camera. $599.99."

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I believe it's a matter of tastes  :P, but for what I have seen in college, people with macs have some trouble running some of the applications we need to run whenever we are doing network simulations, like packet tracer from cisco or OPNET, even tho there are versions for macs.

Then again, if you own a fairly decent mac, you can always emulate windows (or dual boot).

I'd rather learn how to use Linux at its almost fullest before changing to mac, since Linux offer so much more freedom. Of course, having knowledge of every bit wouldn't hurt as well.

However, I must agree, if you are a gaming dude, go for PC. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if viruses start popping more often in MAC now, since it's getting quite popular and we all know that evil people like to target popular markets. Exploit those bugs!

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PC stands for Personal Computer, not Windows, both are PCs.  The only reason the commercial used the term "PC" is because directly addressing it as Windows is a bad idea.

The reason Windows machines are called "PCs" is because of the IBM Personal Computer. The IBM PC was Apple's Arch Nemesis back in the 80s. It dominated the Apple ][ and the early Macs in the business world. Apples became known as toys, while IBMs were the working man's computer (Amiga ruled the creative scene then). The IBM PC ran PC-DOS, but since the machine said "IBM" on it, other DOS, including MS-DOS, machines became known as "IBM-Compatible" or "PCs." The nomenclature stuck and even today, we call Microsoft-based machines PCs.

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As far as I know PC's are gaming computers and macs are well something else the rumor i heard is they are used for creative stuff like modeling and such....

Anyway another rumor that's kinda made a joke of back on the Roosterteeth  site (Redvsblue) is that mac users go to hell... Just a joke fokes :P

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