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Indignant Judgement

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What's up guys? The names Indignant Judgement! (anyone gets the refernce, 10 interwebz to you) You can just call me diggy. :D

I'm 21. A musician. I play drums for the band Do you remember the day we left Earth. We're a post-rock group releasing.our cd in March. It will be titled "static inconsistencies."

I've been a starfox fan since the beggining. Old school gaming ftw! If anyone wants to know more, just let me know!

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I'm gonna guess your name is from one of those "Tales of X" games? I haven't played 'em myself, but I remember hearing that mentioned before.

Anyways, welcome to SFO, have fun and stay awhile.

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Yay! More musicians! :D

Damn this posting lock thing is annoying...

That goes away after you make 5 posts. 

Also, welcome! :)

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Yea. I figured. You're right bowser. It's from Tales of Symphonia. As much as I hated using Genis, his attacks were always badass! XD

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Heya! Welcome to the SF-Online board :3 Hope you will enjoy your time here!

Talking about ToS... Wasn't the name of the attack Indignation Judgement...? xD But yeah, it's annoying to play as Genius, but if you command him it's always fun to see how fast the enemies are going down ;3 Love the "attack glitch" of him, if you know what I mean ;D

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Yea. It was one of those special "meet this condition" attacks. I don't think i know the.glitch you speak of. Lol i usually only used him when I had too. It was mostly Lloyd (main), sheena, raine, and collette. Lol

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Yea. It was one of those special "meet this condition" attacks. I don't think i know the.glitch you speak of. Lol i usually only used him when I had too. It was mostly Lloyd (main), sheena, raine, and collette. Lol

The glitch I speak of is only available in the GC version, and it's very useful. I don't know how the glitch is called, but there is a way you can learn both the S and T-Type attacks of him. I could tell you how to do it because it's very awesome and makes it easy to learn the strongest attacks from Genius, I tried it by myself and it works just perfectly. My team was Lloyd, Shihna/Sheena, Raine and Genius. Sometimes I switch from Lloyd over to Presea, Kratos or Regal. I play with every character because everyone has their own difficulty in control, and Regal is one of the hardest to play with.

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Ragh! You ain't kidding. His style is so close. Like...point blank even. Lol i'll have to try that when I get home. :D

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Yea. It was one of those special "meet this condition" attacks. I don't think i know the.glitch you speak of. Lol i usually only used him when I had too. It was mostly Lloyd (main), sheena, raine, and collette. Lol

:D That was always MY party! We're going to get along well, sir.

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Heey, more new peeps, we are getting a nice amount of traffic lately, welcome!

Yeah! All these new members are great for SFO! :D

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Haha nice! I play bass and drums! Welcome to sf-o!

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Hey there! Good t osee another join the site! please enjoy yourself!

But remeber: Everything living thing beyond this site that crawls, flys, or squats in the mud wants to kill you, and eat your eyes fro JuJu Beans!

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For the sake of greeting I say hello. I'm afraid I don't have much to say about you yet however so I'll make this quick. Welcome to SF-O and have a good time here.

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Hello there Indignant Judgement, and welcome to SF-O. I hope you'll enjoy yourself here.

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