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Equal Rights


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So I was reading through some old topics, and a while back the issue of whether or not it was ethical to hit a girl was brought up. Now, I think the whole 'Don't hit girls' mindset is bullshit, but I can't deny that my thinking is still bent in that direction purely due to the massive amounts of propaganda in its favor that's just commonplace in society. Still, while my tolerance level for what a girl can do to me before I snap is considerably higher than with a guy, I disagree that guys should never hit girls.

Now, I can understand people who are reluctant to hit a girl - as I said, I'm one of them - but to those of you who flat-out refuse to ever do so, why? Are you saying that if some big, butch motherfucker of a chick was beating the shit out of you, would you just let her? The whole mindset just seems stupid to me. It's an admirable attempt to cling to the old chivalrous ideals, but that all flew out the window with feminists and equal rights.

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Violence is rarely right regardless of gender, but I say if it calls for it, knock the lady out with great gusto.

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You can still be chilavrous and clock out a girl when its needed. After all, the good-behaving women can still be shown manly respect  :trollface:

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I won't start a fight with anyone, but if I feel like I must defend myself, I will. Regardless of the other person's gender.

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I won't start a fight with anyone, but if I feel like I must defend myself, I will. Regardless of the other person's gender.


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Now, I can understand people who are reluctant to hit a girl - as I said, I'm one of them - but to those of you who flat-out refuse to ever do so, why? Are you saying that if some big, butch motherfucker of a chick was beating the shit out of you, would you just let her? The whole mindset just seems stupid to me. It's an admirable attempt to cling to the old chivalrous ideals, but that all flew out the window with feminists and equal rights.

No, I wouldn't. There are however alternatives to actually fling a punch or a kick their way. One can of course theorize all ones heart desire about big, butch women, but fact of the matter is that I've yet to see or hear about a woman that I figure I'd have to resort to actually knocking her out for my owns healths sake should she ever want to knock the crap out of me. Same would actually go for most guys. But since I'll admit I'm an old fashioned gentleman at heart, my patience with them is shorter, and my hand less soft.

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grab them and hug them so hard their eyes pop out!  :evil: but that usally does the trick with out really hurting some one.

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grab them and hug them so hard their eyes pop out!  :evil: but that usally does the trick with out really hurting some one.

You have been reading books to much.

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i would show much more patience with a girl thsan i would a guy, but if the time was to come, i would gladly clonk a girl.

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I won't start a fight with anyone, but if I feel like I must defend myself, I will. Regardless of the other person's gender.

Violence is rarely right regardless of gender, but I say if it calls for it, knock the lady out with great gusto.

Sums up my opinion on the matter quite nicely; regardless of gender, if push comes to shove, I will certainly not be reluctant to defend myself. 

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I will treat a woman the same i do a man

in a situation where a punch is required, then i say by all means.

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You have been reading books to much.

yes, but thats not were i got it from. My parents told me i couldn't beat up his girl down the street who through my stuff(shoes) in a stream. So next day i come up to her and bear huged her so hard she cried.

Any how the consitiun says all men are equal,  :trollface: but noth'in in there 'bout womans

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yes, but thats not were i got it from. My parents told me i couldn't beat up his girl down the street who through my stuff(shoes) in a stream. So next day i come up to her and bear huged her so hard she cried.

Thats.... amazing. loling irl now.

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Yeah, I would never start a fight with a girl, and really, if I actually do beat a girl up, I'd look like the bad guy, now, I would try and defend myself if she starts a fight with me, but I would only fight just to get away, I don't like beating people up, regardless of their gender

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I've actually had to hit a girl before. She pulled a knife on me though so it was kind of warranted.

I'm a nice guy, but when my life is threatened I don't care who you are, I will hurt you if I have the opportunity to do so.

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I will hurt you if I have the opportunity to do so.

You mean when the need arises right?

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You mean when the need arises right?

No, I meant what I said.

Let me clarify, If I'm in danger and I see an opening to attack, then I'll attack.

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  • 2 months later...

I think they say "Don't hit girls" because saying "Don't hit girls unless they're hitting you, in which case you can hit them back with equal force" is to much of a mouth full.

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Lolol. No but in all serious-ness. Women want equal rights? Gotta take the good with the bad! You complain about how your not treated equal in the workplace? Alright then YOU carry those fucking boxes up the stairs.

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I won't start a fight with anyone, but if I feel like I must defend myself, I will. Regardless of the other person's gender.


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