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New Year's Eve


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Pictures this. Mortar shells (fireworks) without the mortar tube. I think i can still throw a baseball sized object pretty far. :D

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Preparing my camera hopefully i can get some good footage of what happening, I might go out to town but it depend

Edit: new year has passed i did not get a very good picture because it's dark out all of them look like i got nuked

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We will be getting "drunk" (with "" cause I don't think we will) with my family. We are squeezing like 11 pounds of lemons to get enough lemon juice for a whooooole apocalypses with margaritas  :) .

In all seriousness tho, we are just going to wait for the big bang with lots of random hilarious family stuff or drunktard stuff. Who knows.

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my mother is flying out tonight to see us for the new year before she is to be deployed.

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I'll be either in my bed or made to watch TV with my family while eating snacks. If I were in Dundee it would be a different, more exciting story.

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If I were in Dundee it would be a different, more exciting story.

Involving intoxicating products?  :wink:

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Probably shooting down French and British pilots.

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Trying to get something together with some friends, if not, then it's just me and my buddy Nathan.

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Prepare my video camera

Prepare my safety goggles (for eye safety, just in case)

Prepare my own load of fireworks

Prepare the cannon that will fire my fireworks: OWNAGE!! :lol:

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You need to fill your posts with substance concerning the subject matter, otherwise there is no real point to posting. :P

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play games....mabye invite friends.....hope my grandma's surgury goes well....hope that i can get a new copy of SSBB becasue the one i currently own loves to randomly say"cannot read disk".....other wise thats all i can think up at any rate.

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Most likely nothing in particular, other than sitting at home on my computer/PS3 :lol:

Oh, and just for the occasion;


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Watch YouTube all afternoon..

Heck, why not download 'em instead?

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The same thing I do every night SF-O, try to take over the world!

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