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Concerning Furries

Prince Elite

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Definite or not, they ARE still cultural artifacts.

Prove it. Or are yiff orgies in hotels furry culture artifacts now, too? Simply being inside a culture does not an artifact make.

And I am not quite sure, like, AT ALL, what you are trying to say at the end.

What I'm trying to say is simply being present doesn't make an entire culture or make anyone who's even contacted such things part of the same culture. For instance, Okami is a japanese inspired video game. Am I now part of japanese culture since I've played it and understand a few japanese myths better?

I never said that anthros had to be exclusivley used in the Fandom.

I simply made the observation that via the internet and such the Furry Culture has been able to expand and connect memebers of said culture in spirit, at the very least.

You implied it. You took Lucario's point and used it as proof that furry has been around for a while simply because anthros have shown up in older civilizations.

Due to recent advances, we are able to have FurCons, and FurAffinity, not to mention this very site is connecting members of the culture near and far.

For you see, many people became Furry via the Star Fox series of video games. That interest leads them to fansites such as this where they encounter others with similar interests. Here, a connection is made and they learn that they have a similar belief system, ie. Star Fox is cool becasue of anthros and perhaps other anthros are cool as well.

In addition, I simply noted that anthros have been around as long as humans. This, as you stated, lead directly to the Furry Culture.

Furcons and furaffinity are shunned by several furs.

No, Star Fox hasn't made that many furries. Krystal did. Also mfw SFO is a furry site.

And no, it didn't lead directly to it. It opened the gateway. That's all.

And to put it more bluntly (Graphic stuff (Kinda) coming up for the easily offended):

A fetish is something people have that gets them off. End of story.

The majority of people are in the fandom because anthros like these get them off. End of story. (and yes, those are safe links. I can't demonstrate the full extent of this because of the rules.)

Furry Culture involves people intereacting on non-sexual levels as well. Sure, there ARE sexual natures to it, but that is true of many things in life. The Furry Culture is, well, a culture. People discuss things that pertain to it, they hang out together, and they become friends through it. They share a similar belief that anthros are appealing; no matter how many varied levels there are to that. And finally, there are cultural artifacts from it, ie. Art and Suits and other stuff.

This is true IN THEORY. In practice, not so much. Most of my friends in the fandom I'm friends with for other reasons, and 95%+ of all con goers are there for the porn so of course they connect, just as all the furries here are also connected by starfox, and furries on a role playing site are connected by roleplay. As one gigantic unit, furries are separate and not fit to be called a cohesive whole.

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Quick n' simple

"Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate")[1] is a term that has various meanings. For example, in 1952, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn compiled a list of 164 definitions of "culture" in Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions.[2] However, the word "culture" is most commonly used in three basic senses:

Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture, Failed, you know it's true

An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning, Failed... Pattern... I think Milky made that one clear.

The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an, institution, organization or group," Failed... Same thing here.

Curse you inability to space things with the new forum system thingy.

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Wow, this topic really turned around :lol:

I know this doesn't really add anything, but I saw the "furry not being culture" and stuff.

Then I saw how it was said that drugs are a culture... I'd rather someone be a furry than be a drug addict. :)

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Also mfw SFO is a furry site.

SFO is starting to become more and more like a furry forum. Look at all these furry threads. :o

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SFO is starting to become more and more like a furry forum. Look at all these furry threads. :o

But you really don't have to be one to go on this site and have an enjoyable time, there's plenty of other stuff to talk about. :D

(For example, I'm not one and I like SFO :P)

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But you really don't have to be one to go on this site and have an enjoyable time, there's plenty of other stuff to talk about. :D

(For example, I'm not one and I like SFO :P)

True, but furry topics are starting to outnumber nonfurry topics. This is a community for Star Fox discussion and general discussion, a lot of furry general discussions going on in here.

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True, but furry topics are starting to outnumber nonfurry topics. This is a community for Star Fox discussion and general discussion, a lot of furry general discussions going on in here.

True, but I don't mind ^_^

The site has cool people, and I can chat about games and stuff. :P And Star Fox, of course.

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I know this doesn't really add anything, but I saw the "furry not being culture" and stuff.

Then I saw how it was said that drugs are a culture... I'd rather someone be a furry than be a drug addict. :)

The difference is that the "drug culture" shows more signs of being one than the furry. They DO share tons of similar beliefs and lifestyles and can all relate on a (generally) hard life. Furries not so much.

And yeah, this place is gathering quite a bit of furry discussion, but as things stand it's not a furry site.

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Well it only makes sense that since Star Fox are anthro creatures there will be some furry discussions.

At least the furry discussions here are tamer than other places. On Fur Affinity I have to tread lightly as the single sign of provocation can set off a chain reaction that can cause a storm of furry drama the likes of which the fourm has never seen before.

But if there is drama, I sit back on a lawn chair with a bag of popcorn and watch the drama and laugh. A furry like myself who plays it clean knows when not to jump into the muck of drama.

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If we can stay on topic, that would be great... Last chance now, after seeing what happened a couple of pages ago.

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True, but furry topics are starting to outnumber nonfurry topics. This is a community for Star Fox discussion and general discussion, a lot of furry general discussions going on in here.

I blame myself and some others for this. :o

And we need those Krystal topics back.

Anyways, I was going to post up an entire essay on why I think Milky is wrong, but then he walked in so I verbally explained it to him instead.

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And we need those Krystal topics back.

Everyone ran out of ideas. It's impossible to make an original thread about Krystal.

Anyways, I was going to post up an entire essay on why I think Milky is wrong, but then he walked in so I verbally explained it to him instead.

Please post. I could use a laugh right now.

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Personally, I'm a furry. I'm attracted to female anthros, but I don't think I'd ever use a fursuit. As for Krystal, we should make a thread about if Krystal lived on Earth, what sport would she play and how sexy she'd be while playing it :friends:

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Personally, I'm a furry. I'm attracted to female anthros, but I don't think I'd ever use a fursuit. As for Krystal, we should make a thread about if Krystal lived on Earth, what sport would she play and how sexy she'd be while playing it :friends:

Been made before.

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What about what flavor ice cream would taste better if her tail was purple and people used their keyboards with their feet?

KLA thread.

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I look at this and think, "who says you can't make the horse drink the water?"

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Wrong definition?

SFO is KLA without all the Krystal related wet dream threads.

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Wait, there's a site under all those wet dreams?

If you want, The Google "Krystal lovers association", unless you find reading Krystal fanboy's fantasies entertaining, there's nothing to see.

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Yeah that was me because User didn't log out. D:

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I admit haven't read every post in the topic, but I just thought I'd toss in my two cents. Now, this was actually written about a year and a half ago, but it's still accurate to my opinions.


It's true, saying there's nothing sexual about furries is like saying there's nothing sexual about Anime *COUGHHENTAICOUGH*, but... The concept of "Furry" in general has nothing to do with anything sexual. It's just a general interest. There are strange groups among the Fur community. Many of these strange groups have nothing to do with sexuality. Some people simply find animals fascinating. Some people like to roleplay. Others have stranger beliefs, such as believing that their "spirit" is that of an animal, and they were born into the wrong body, or something like that. Some people simply find the art interesting.

All it takes, IMO, is an interest in Anthropomorphic animals, and the willingness to call yourself a "Furry". However, the definition of a Furry does tend to differ depending on who you ask. That's simply a perspective issue, as there never really has been any set, defined meaning of what exactly constitutes a "Furry", and so nearly everyone will tell you something different. It's been this way for so long that to try and IMPOSE such a set meaning and definition would be next to impossible.

Furries are as varied as ANY group in the world, likely moreso because of the broad, varied sort of interest it is. To look on certain people within the Fur Fandom and think to yourself "That's a furry - that's how all furries behave!" is as deluded as looking at some random dumb shmoe on the street in L.A. and think "That's an American - that's how all Americans behave!"

One of the better "Furry" comics I've seen does NOT focus on the fact that some characters have fur. The artist's intent behind the comic was the message that, it's not whether these people have fur or don't, it's what's beneath that fur/skin that matters.

Judge someone for who THEY are. Not for what some other random f*@&wit did that likes the same genre of music as him.

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Well said.

I like how you say that while there are sexual aspects in the fandom, furries themselves are not all sexual.

This comes down to semantics. Too often we use the sterotypical all-inclusive words like "all" and "every," not just in regards to furries, but also in other things.

Example: "All males like sports." This should really be "some males like sports."

With the fandom: "All furries are addicted with some sexual fetish." Wrong! "Some furries are addicted to a sexual fetish." Better.

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