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As Easter approaches...


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...keep in mind that you're tax dollars are hard at work defending "Fortress America"


While I personally don't really like how the USBP operates stuff like this is just ridiculous...

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Gotta love us Americans. Just wanting to eat things SO FAST... that we -apparently- eat the toy inside too....

Really, US, really...? =/

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Terrorists might hide nukes inside these things.

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Non-nutritive? Hello?! There's nothing NUTRITIVE about Kinder Surprise eggs! What's wrong with some people?!

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And apparently 6-year old girls, if you read/watched the news lately out here. Lol.

Sorry for derailing.

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Terrorists might hide nukes inside these things.

Or tiny bags of crack.

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So, this is what all of our tax money is going to, eh?

Well that, and seizing toy guns apparently; http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Rk8-ePGqBmM


(FYI, for the video link, if you even try converting a mostly plastic airsoft gun into the real thing it will EXPLODE)

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Old news. Kinder Eggs have been banned since the 1980s, I believe.

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Kinder eggs are banned over there? Poor you.

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Also, why it says "non-nutritional" or whatever, that's just legal talk for "kids can and will stick this whole thing in their mouth and choke on the plastic thingy inside". The same thing happened to Wonder Balls in the 90s, but they didn't get banned, just changed the prize inside to little candies.

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The ATF has just created a whole new definition for stupidity. This is another reason why they are not allowed in Idaho

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Just another reason so many parts of the world have lost respect for America..

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Terrorists might hide nukes inside these things.

He's got a point. I agree with FoXXX, we are just trying to becareful. One single malisiuos act can destroy a country and it's people. With technology slowly evolving the way it is today, you can't be too careful or trust many people. I mean, if Israli commandos can stick a near microscopic piece of semtex to explode the side of you face off, imagine what you can do with a small, dilecable chocolate egg (dont forget about those wonderballs too <_< ). I understand this scenario from a National Security point of view.

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