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Gene's Rambling Thread

Gene Inari

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Figure I'd join in all the cool kids and make myself a journal thread for the helluva it and maybe stave off some boredom when the board is slow.

Not much to really write about other than I got my XBL renewed, and very quickly remembered why I was in no rush to get it renewed if the first place. :x I'm an angry gamer. I'm pretty level otherwise, just a really competitive, angry gamer... And I hate it too, it's embarrassing to get so frustrated at an online game . Sure, I drop the frustration in an instant, but it's a terrible habit of mine that refuses to get kicked.

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I'm rejoining my gaming clan, Tactical Warfare.

Maybe now I'll have some good people to play Battlefield with...

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I swear... I must be hardwired to wake up early. Went to bed at 11:30 and probably fell asleep at midnight, only to wake up at 6 AM without an alarm or anything.

Oh well, it's been a productive, nostalgic morning. Got bored and looked up Bruce Faulconer, who did pretty much all of the soundtrack work for DBZ. Also watching DBZ Kai to kill time and indulge in a little nostalgia.

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I swear... I must be hardwired to wake up early. Went to bed at 11:30 and probably fell asleep at midnight, only to wake up at 6 AM without an alarm or anything.

Oh well, it's been a productive, nostalgic morning. Got bored and looked up Bruce Faulconer, who did pretty much all of the soundtrack work for DBZ. Also watching DBZ Kai to kill time and indulge in a little nostalgia.

Kai? But that version cuts out lots of awesomeness. :( Why would you watch that version?

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Kai? But that version cuts out lots of awesomeness. :( Why would you watch that version?

Meh it's a place to start. I dun feel like sifting through all the filler.

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Bleh... Bi-polar sucks... That is all...

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Bleh... Bi-polar sucks... That is all...

My aunt has bi-polar :( must be hard to deal with

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It has its ups and down, albeit on the extreme ends... My mom and one of her sisters has it also. It runs strong on that side of my family.

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Whoo~ Friday the Thirteenth~

Anywho... In a week, I'm heading to a convention: ACEN, or Anime Central.

Also, it feels like I'm slipping into my lurker habits... I'm gonna need to break that before I get too quiet around here.

Double also, I think I've gotten two people to start posting in color. I DID IT BEFORE IT WAS COOL!

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Allow me to mention how much bipolar sucks again...

Rebound, crash, rebound, crash, another manic rebound, then a hard depressive crash.

It's a rough cycle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whelp.... Well I just woke up from one of my chain necklaces nearly choking me.

Not a fun way to wake up. >.<

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Whelp.... Well I just woke up from one of my chain necklaces nearly choking me.

Not a fun way to wake up. >.<

This, THIS is why I don't wear any accesories at all except for maybe the Justice Hat.

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Whelp.... Well I just woke up from one of my chain necklaces nearly choking me.

Not a fun way to wake up. >.<

OOH. Kinky :trollface:

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So my mom asked me what I wanted earlier today and I was like, "Huh? Why? What for?" My mom gave me a look, "Your birthday, that happens to be next week?" I kinda just scratch my head and say, "I knew that..."

I'm gonna be 19 in a week and I almost forgot I even had a birthday. D:

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Hey! Mah birfday is really soon too. :3

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And celebrations = CAKE!

I luw logic.VeryHappy-2.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been kinda quiet around the forums, but whatever.

Boring birthday was boring, but I guess that happens. Get one last hurrah at 21 and then it's all downhill from there. :P

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