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Mario Kart DS

Sol-Ratcht Saporro

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I need a challenge.....

And my other friend doesn't come on now-a-days. If you want to challenge me, post your Nickname and Friend Code.

I'll gladly accept. :oops:

I'll post my nickname and code in my sig later-on this evening. I'm in my class.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Friend Code: 094555-399536

Online Record:196-78

Snaker: Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

PM me or IM when you want a challenge.

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Heres mine:



People I have from SF-O.Net/Forums (^<Here>v)


Sol-Ratcht Saporro (In prosses of getting)

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Oh boy! I didn't think anyone was gonna respond after 4 days...... :lol:

Okay here's my stats.....

Nickname: SOL

FC: 231992-787829

Wins/Losses: 51/78

Snaker: If you are so am I. Most of the time I'm not though.

I added you both.

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