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Iwata implies Nintendo will not control 3rd party game pricing on WiiU


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Iwata told CNBC the following:

I think there is already some indication that the [current pricing] trend is going to stay here.

When you consider some of the most popular franchise—such as "Call of Duty" or "Madden"—the publishers can afford to affix a rather expensive price tag on that because the franchise has a premium value. On the other hand, without an established franchise, they cannot afford to keep that expensive price tag. I believe there will be a wider price range.

SRC = http://www.cnbc.com/id/43137998

This pretty much means Nintendo won't put price controls on WiiU games like they have previously. While this is good news for 3rd party developers, it means that we Nintendo gamers will have to shill-out the same price for top-tier 3rd party games that Xbox/Playstation gamers do.

Iwata said nothing about first party pricing.

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That...sounds only fair, really. I mean, why WOULD Nintendo give special treatment with the prices? It sucks for us as buyers but it's not like it doesn't make any sense...

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I think that's a good thing. Maybe it'll encourage those devlopers to put some more effort into their Nintendo ports.

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Feels bad, but the cheaptrain of 3rd party games had to end eventually. IT WAS A GOOD RUN NINTY.

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I don't have a huge problem with it. I WILL have a problem with $60 Star Fox, Smash Bros., Zelda and Mario games though. I hope they don't do that.

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Do what I do.

Buy your games once they get chopped down to about half their release price after awhile of being out. :B [/budget gamer]

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