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What is your favorite thing about star fox?


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you can have a couple of things you find favorite, but go "i like shooting" thats not a very good reason :facepalm:

My favorite thing is the star fox team. I love everythig about them, their colors, members, the great fox, the teams history, all of these

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

The music and the graphics are what I like about the SF games.

*Gets ready to see users posting "I like Krystal" *

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*Gets ready to see users posting "I like Krystal" *

i fine with that as long as it not for the pornzz

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I like shooting.

I haven't played many of the games, but what I have have been cool simply because you're flying around in space blowing stuff up with pewpew guns. Me gusta.

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inb4 krystal 8=====> <3

I like SF because I get to be a flying fox that gets to blow things up in space.

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The music, mostly in the first game.

The twin blaster type 2 in SF SNES :)

The NP comics too...

And I could go on for a while :)

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I probably wouldn't be as into the series if it weren't for the nostalgia since Starfox 64 was one of my first games. Besides that... I love the corny lines XD

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I love the barrel rollz and the lolz AND FOX McCloud >:)

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I just love that it's a shoot 'em up with awesome characters and settings. =D

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The Characters, Shooting Stuff, Great Music, Creative Worlds and Enemies, etc.

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I just love the whole concept, I mean, you play as an ace pilot and fly one of the most awesome fighters ever created. Seriously, what's not to like about that? :8-):

And I also love the music, the character design, the gameplay (namely StarFox 64's gameplay), and the whole universe the series take place in.

Long live StarFox!! :grin:

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Being introduced to Star Fox 64 = finding the meaning of life.

It has my favorite soundtrack from 'ANY' game, the dialogue is memorable on so many different levels (although most of them fall in the, "lulzy" level) and the tight game-play brings it all home.

On a slightly-related note: I know a lot of people's first Star Fox game was Star Fox 64. Its sad a margin of other people think our admiration for the game is blind nostalgia, but I honestly got the funnest experiences from this game compared to every other game (and yes, I mean every other game I've every played; its not just narrowed to Star Fox games).

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Oddly enough for me, I dont have any nostalgia for Star Fox. Sure I played 64 a few times at friends houses and on shop display consoles, but I was a Megadrive/Playstation kid so never had a SNES or 64. I hate myself for this, but when the whole Barrel Roll meme was going around I remember one friend joking that he had the original game on his N64, we booted it up and I ended up really enjoying the game, the whole Barrel Roll thing was instantly forgotten. I always liked anthro characters, and I used to love playing Sega's Afterburner in the arcade and other flight games/rail shooters, so Star Fox being a combination of the two appealed to me instantly.

Sure, people say Slippy is annoying and the acting is cliche, but thats the exact charm of it, its a fun story with a fun cast of characters that in some cases can be pretty cool, so my interest kept growing. At the same time it was the peak of my retrogaming phase (which is still ongoing), so I bought a second hand SNES and N64 and naturally Star Fox and 64 were the first games I got for each.

Basically its a case of: Awesome sci fi space shooting + Cool furry fighter pilots + great music and visuals = one hell of a good series. Yeah, Adventures wasn't the same kind of game that I typically enjoy, but by the time I played that I was sufficiently fond of the series and characters so I enjoyed it for simply being Star Fox. I've never played Assault or Command, but I do remember seeing posters for Assault and thinking it looked cool :D

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but when the whole Barrel Roll meme was going around I remember one friend joking that he had the original game on his N64

The original was on the SNES :trollface:

The original was also i hella lot harder then the 64 reboot in my opinion, and slippy sounded like a man. Even if it was gibberish. I remember the first time i played starfox64 I thought, man that slippy chick sure gets in a lot of trouble, to which my friended corrected me saying it was dude. I are no believe him :panic: Still slippy was nice enough to drop bombs or rings when you saved him unlike falco who told you to mind your own business :blink:

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The original was on the SNES :trollface:

I wish more people would not forget about that... It makes me feel old, and I'm 23 :(

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Of course I know that the original was on the SNES (I do own it :trollface: ), I used the term "original" in referring to how my friend still had the game on an actual cart from when he was a kid rather than a VC or emulated version.

In some ways the Snes version is better 64 as the music is far superior and it had a slightly darker tone, but both are great games, I just happened to play SF64 before the first one :)

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For one, I love the concept. Cute animals in space blowing stuff up. SNES and 64 both had this really great tone and aesthetic to them that captured me that beautifully complimented the fun of the gameplay. It has SO much potential for a lot of fun and exploration, and we have all these cool characters set up that are interesting enough from the get-go for us to want to learn more about them. The problem is that we never really do, but it's better than just having a bunch of boring characters I suppose.

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The simple fact that I am a sucker for aerial combat games, combine that with me being a furry, and Star Fox is everything I could ever want.

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i discovered i also liked the setting, the dark unexplored dangers lurking in the corners of lylat, the cornerians and how the react with the star fox team and ect sorta like dras suggested ^^^

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I just like the solid on-rails space fighter gameplay, bad plots, good graphics, hot vixens, and


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Fun quotes and Star Wolf FTW

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I just like the solid on-rails space fighter gameplay, bad plots, good graphics, hot vixens, and


You make me laugh!


on to a more serious reply


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The simple fact that I am a sucker for aerial combat games, combine that with me being a furry, and Star Fox is everything I could ever want.

I'm with you on that. Besides it being about anthros in space, I also love the series because of a personal matter. If it wasn't for Star Fox 64, I probably would have not become a gamer or even a fan art artist since Star Fox 64 was the first video game I ever played in my life and I was only seven. The series reminds me of how I got started as a gamer as well as a good nostalgic look back to the good ol' late 1990's. I still love the two for the gamecube as well as the SNES classic, but the one for the N64 is a little more personal to me. I guess you can say that I'm sort of like 90's kid from Atop the Forth Wall, except I'm more of a fan of the SNES instead of the Genesis.

Hell, even watching this could bring happiness to a nostalgic mind, showing all the weirdness and goofy commercialism of the 90's.:

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My favorite things about Star Fox are the characters, ships, soundtrack and gameplay.

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Flying,exploring around on foot,the music,the anti-hero *coughWolfcough*,and talking animals I mean come on.

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