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The Voices


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Basing on 64, Adventures and Assault, which voices you think suited best which character? (Use this guide for better understanding)






General Pepper-





I think the rest of the characters won't count as they have been on either just once (Panther, Katt, Bill) or not enough to compare (Andross)

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Basing on 64, Adventures and Assault, which voices you think suited best which character? (Use this guide for better understanding)






General Pepper-





I think the rest of the characters won't count as they have been on either just once (Panther, Katt, Bill) or not enough to compare (Andross)

Fox - SF64

Peppy - SF64/Assault

Slippy - Assault

Falco - SF64

Krystal - No Preference

General Pepper - SF64

Wolf - Assault

Leon - SF64

Pigma - Assault

Andrew - SF64

Lylatian voices ftw! trollface.gif

100% AGREED! :lol:

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Fox- Adventures

Peppy- Assault

Slippy- Assault

Falco- Every voice save his creepily-deep Melee voice, really; I like them all, no preference.

Krystal- Adventures

General Pepper- Adventures

Wolf- Same boat as Falco, I even like his Brawl voice

Leon- Assault

Pigma- 64

Oikonny- Assault

Andross- Adventures

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I hear voices in my head, They counsel me, They understand

They talk to me, they talk to me (Yeah...)

They tell me things that I will do, They show me things I'll do to you

They talk to me (talk to me, talk to me, talk to me)

Had to put that one in. anywho

Fox- Lylat Wars

Peppy- Lylat Wars

Slippy- Lylat Wars

Falco- Lylat Wars

General Pepper- Lylat Wars

Leon- Lylat Wars

Pigma- Lylat Wars

Oikonny- Lylat Wars

Andross- Lylat Wars (anybody detecting a pattern here?)

Krystal- Adventures

Wolf- Assault

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Fox- Lylat Wars

Peppy- Lylat Wars

Slippy- Lylat Wars

Falco- Lylat Wars

General Pepper- Lylat Wars

Leon- Lylat Wars

Pigma- Lylat Wars

Oikonny- Lylat Wars

Andross- Lylat Wars

Krystal- Lylat Wars (Heck I bet it would still be better there)

Wolf- Lylat Wars

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Fox- Assault

Peppy- Adventures

Slippy- Assault

Falco- Adventures

General Pepper- Adventures/Assault (Tie)

Leon- ...

Pigma- 64

Oikonny- omgno

Andross- Adventures

Krystal- Adventures

Wolf- Assault

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Fox: Mike West (Lylat Wars - English), Steve Malpass (Adventures - English), Jim Walker (Assault, Brawl - English), Kenji Nojima (Assault, Brawl - Japanese)

Slippy: Mike McAuliffe (Assault, Brawl - English), Kyooko Tonguu (All games - Japanese)

Peppy: Henry Darndanne (Assault - English), Tomohisa Asou (All games - Japanese)

Falco: Bill Johns (Lylat Wars - English), Mike Madeoy (Assault - English), Dex Manley (Brawl - English), Hisao Egawa (All games - Japanese)

Krystal: Estelle Ellis (Adventures - English), Aya Hara (All games - Japanese)

Wolf: Grant Goodeve (Assault - English), Jay Ward (Brawl - English), Mahito Ooba (Assault, Brawl - Japanese)

Leon: Rick May (Lylat Wars - English), Shinobu Satochi (All games - Japanese)

Andrew: John Hugil (Assault - English), Yusuke Numata (Assault - Japanese)

Andross: Rick May (Lylat Wars - English), Daisuke Gouri (Lylat Wars - Japanese)

General Pepper: Gray Eubank (Assault - English), Michihiro Ikemizu (Assault - Japanese)

Pigma: Lev Liberman (Assault - English), Daisuke Gouri (All games - Japanese)

ROB64/NUS64: John Silke (Adventures - English), Yusuke Numata (Assault - Japanese)

I picked up the Japanese voices too because I like them more mostly, but I need to say that I'm also proud of the English voice actors I've heard so far :D

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Falco's voice in Melee is Horrible!!!!!!!

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Falco's voice in Melee is Horrible!!!!!!!

That's just because they were too lazy to overvoice the japanese effects... you can hear Falco's Japanese voice actor Hisao Egawa while you're playing him, but if you won a Melee you hear Ben Cullum's voice. So yeah... they fucked it up in some way.

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