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Native Tongues


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Another Real World-Lylat comparison: Do you think they're are other real languges on use on Lylat (other than english)? And if you do, to what planet you would tag them?

Corneria: English mainly, others as assitance

Fortuna: English, French, Spanish. It'sa also a rising power, but it seems a bit more diverse than Corneria.

Titania: Hebrew and Arabic. Rarely English because it seems so distant from Cornerian Culture.

Fichina: The three Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish) fit well. Although one could see them as dialects from a same "bigger" system.

Sauria: It does has it's own dialect, so...

Katina: Mainly English also. Possibly some Fichinian or Hebrew minorities.

Aquas: Spanish, English, other various indigenous...

Zoness: Russian, English.

Macbeth: Russian and German mainly.

Venom: English, Russian, Arabic.

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Lylatian voices ftw! :trollface:

Yeah... Quoting myself! \o/

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i speak english, but i'm working on a minor in german

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They speak "Lylatian", silly :B

...but yeah, the series if very light on accents. Almost everyone is American, except for Krystal and the dinosaurs, who are inexplicably British. And I guess Panther is trying for the whole "Spanish" thing but we don't know where he's from, so.

edit - oops I forgot Assault!Falco, sounds like he has some sort of Jersey (?) accent. Not sure if he's confirmed to be from Cornerian (I would assume as much given his history with Fox), but somewhere there is indeed a Space New Jersey.

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The biggest languages of the Lylat System always seemed like English and Japanese to me. (I really don't like Lylatian, so I just pretend they actually do speak English or Japanese the whole time.)

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Yeah, you don't like lylatian, so people from Lylat speaking by definition lylatian don't have the choice but to speak english or japanese?

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Having them speak just English AND Japanese doesn't make a lot of sense either considering it was one or the other depending on the game.

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Wellllllllllllllllllllllll, since this -is- an unrealistic video game, they should speak, UNREALISTIC LANGUAGES!!!

Like German :trollface:

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Wellllllllllllllllllllllll, since this -is- an unrealistic video game, they should speak, UNREALISTIC LANGUAGES!!!

Like German :trollface:

You never heard dannish, haven't you? :P

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