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I need judges...


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Hello Star-Fox online member!

I am Sluggsnipa,you may know me as SF-O's Friendly Neighborhood Slug! And as you know,I'm a big fan of this manly show called My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic! And it has it's own imageboard,similar to /4/chan! Ponychan has many boards,like /4/chan,and I'm making a contest on the /Art/ board! http://www.ponychan.net/chan/art/ Now,I'm all set for the contest and all,I even have my own contest site!! http://sites.google.com/site/newbieponychanartistcontest/home all I need are the judges. If you want to become a judge,I need one for each category,Baww/Daww,Comedy,Collage(?),and Shipping.

To become a judge you must PM me or email me at wolfstorm360@gmail.com,give me your email address and give me an example of your judging skills,remember,we decide the winners on the 21st!Give me the artist's name and information,and the artwork,of course.To get the artwork you will either have to sort through the thread on /Art/ or you can ask me to give them your Email Adress so they can email their submissions,or when you are a judge,I will sort through the submissions and send them to you,if they're really good...Remember to check the site for the rules and Updates!!!

If you want to request what judge you want to be,send me a PM or email but tell me what judge you want in the thread,just don't give me your information in the thread. BTW POSTER IN ATTACHMENTS

Comedy Judge:

Baww/Daww Judge:

Collage Judge:

Shipping Judge:

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