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Fried Hard Drives Suck

Star Fox Runner

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Yeah, I haven't been on since Sunday because my hard drive decided to commit suicide on me. I lost everything, thank god most of my stuff was backed up, especially my art portfolio and school documents. And good thing Steam backs everything up for you through the Steam Cloud.

So have I missed anything? If I did can someone fill me in?

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Hey there! I highly suggest to buy at least two external hard drives. So you can use your main computer to fully backup onto an external hard drive. The second external hard drive can be used for important files (documents, software programs, and games). And these external hard drives are getting cheaper these days. Having your information backed up online through a server is not a bad idea too. BTW check out the quality of the external hard drives before buying them. I personally like Western Digital because they haven't failed me yet. ;)

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Good to hear you didn't lose anything. I don't understand why people's HDDs fail all the time. I've had my computer since 2007, I never turn it off (only when my electricity goes out) I never use scandisk or disk defragment, yet I've never had a single problem with it. Must be lucky.

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Yeah, I have an external drive, but it's not big enough to hold my whole computer, so I put only the important stuff in it. I'm looking at buying a big enough drive and use Time Machine to back my computer up on that.

And I did lose some stuff, I lost all of my photography I've taken over the years minus whatever was left on all the cards I use, so I'm going to have to backtrack and locate all 10 cards and see if they're still there. I also lost some pictures of my girlfriend so I'm upset over that.

Other than those I only lost some webpage bookmarks and some junk files that were just taking up space, (I'm a bit of an internet picture hoarder.)

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Know how you feel. Had an external HD crash on me around christmas. One never learn to take back-ups before one have a crash.

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its possible to recover data from a dead mechanical hdd. What was the problem with it ?

They didn't tell me exactly, all they said is "your hard drive is...... bad." And apparently there was something wrong with the hard drive cable as well.

I finally got everything back online, got my App Store and Steam games reinstalled, got my iTunes library back by cracking open the hidden files on my iPod, reinstalled my copy of Adobe Creative Suite, and got my documents folder back from my current external drive. All of my web bookmarks and files that I didn't have in my documents folder are gone though

Well I'm not letting this happen again, I went ahead and got a 1.5 Terabyte portable hard drive and I'm gonna use Time Machine on my Mac to completely back up my computer, so I don't lose ANYTHING. The reason I didn't do this before is because my old external drive is only 160 gigs, not enough to back up my computer, so I only backed up my important stuff like my school work and art portfolio.

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Though this is somewhat late, I definitely know the feeling of a failed HDD; though I hadn't backed up anything at that time. Now I've got a 1-terabyte Seagate external hard drive. It seems to work fairly well ^_^

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